Meeting Minutes – 3/7/2004

Order of the Silver Gryphon, Meeting Minutes for Restday, day 7 of the month Volnes in the year 5104.

Members in attendance: Asglyn, Sir Cryheart Dame Deavon, Sir Eahlstan, Evia, Guarrin, Sir Kinshack, Shirkon, Tebon, Xanith, Sir Yarx, Dame Yviara

Squires in attendance: Errethe, Tagari

Guests in attendance: Mourdeyan, Brandare

I. Defense of Solhaven

A motion was made to lend official support as an Order to the defense of Solhaven.

It was passed with 10 votes of aye, and 1 abstention.

II. Other Business

Guarrin briefly introduced his guest, Brandare.

Sir Eahlstan reported his intent to put Murgin forward as a full member at the next meeting.

The next meeting will be held next week, 3/14/5104, at the usual time in the Holding. We will address items on the agenda that were postponed to when the meeting was adjourned after less than ten minutes so we could respond to reports of attacks in Solhaven.

