Meeting Minutes – 7/25/2004

Order of the Silver Gryphon, Meeting Minutes for Restday, day 25 of the month Koaratos in the year 5104

In attendance:
Sir Cryheart, Dame Deavon, Sir Eahlstan, Falicor, Guarrin, Sir Kinshack, Kriztian, Metadi, Murgin, Shallimar, Shirkon, Sir Yarx, Dame Yviara

I. Squire Issues
Nothing new.

II. Virtue Seminars
III. PRO Status
Discussion tables for now as the projected costs for events and regularly scheduled meeting are tallied. Discussion to continue next meeting Motion to table the discussion was not passed 1:7

IV. Other Buisiness
A motion was made that 'any vote that makes a change to the order as a whole should require a 2/3's majority vote to pass' was seconded and tabled for discussion at the next meeting before voting.. Next meeting will be in two weeks, 5104-08-08.

Shallimar Wyldcat