Meeting Minutes – 10/7/2012

Tonight, Perivan, Shirkon, Evia, Goldstr, Cinabar and I were present.

1. We discussed the town council post outlining the expectation of liches the last month of this year. (another Landing storyline beginning)

2. We discussed the stable design and plans for a memorial to Sir Yarx and Dame Wanton.

3. Also discussed a plan for next meeting to be on the 21st of October. Considering Ebon Eve's (Halloween) and Ebon festival, then we will NOT meet on October 28th and November 4th. So enjoy the festivities those next two weeks.

4. For our sixth event of the year, we discussed changing the way we hold our Winter Solstice Give Away.

4a. discussed offering our services: such as forging, cobbling, making sheathes, as well has being hunting escorts, or guides/escorts for bounty tasks..etc. We can still provide healing herbs and such, but we keep a list of those who want our services, and make note, arrange services and dates, etc.

So, consider and let's discuss via missives. What we will need to also consider is the time and date in December to have the Winter Solstice Give Away.

See you on the 21st of October, at 9 pm eastern for our next meeting.
