Order of the Silver Gryphon - Franchise Forum

Editor Note: I might split this into a Tour as that precedes the Discussion

[Gryphon Holding]
The stone tower rises above the surrounding marsh, narrow window slits and a battlement about the gabled roof giving it an almost sinister appearance. To the north, east, and west, the slope of the hillock descends sharply and is quickly lost beneath the reeds and cattails. You also see the Balantine disk, the Forestall disk, a rascally forest spirit that is flying around, an ember-eyed fire wyrdling, a black-armored dwarven guard and a portcullis.
Also here: High Lord Falvicar, Lord Balantine, Dame Deavon, Grand Lady Cinabar, Bekke, Mynon, Maretta, Sir Bristenn, Alasatia, Mohrgan, Maags, Roblar, Riend, Lord Forestall, Lady Andalusain, Lord Komoki, Svantai, High Lady Roelaren, Sir Cryheart
Obvious paths: southwest

You see Sir Cryheart Thaxin the Knight of the Empire.
He appears to be a Human from Honneland.
He is taller than average and appears to be advanced in years. He has piercing blue-grey eyes and tanned skin. He has shoulder-length, tousled golden brown hair with the slightest hint of grey at the temples. He has an angular face, a prominent nose and broad shoulders. A slight scar, barely visible, indents his left cheek.
He has a pair of small ivory bone rings in the upper ridge of his left ear, and a rampant silver gryphon tattoo on his neck.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a ripe green apple in his right hand.
He is wearing a slim leather headband studded with tiny blue pearls, a crystal amulet, a golden brown acorn amulet, a hammered invar anvil symbol set with a blue crystal, a silver-edged emerald hair ribbon, a red-flecked dark invar ring, a rune-burned kakore wrist cuff, a Felcour duelling gauntlet studded with sharp steel spikes, a star-engraved cobalt blue ora bracer set with a blue crystal, a black enameled bracer with a silver gryphon set in a ruby circle, a small black button, a satin-lined cotton twill surcoat over some kroderine plate swirled with distorted blue and black tones along the backplate with a padded ivory leather arming coat underneath, a black cotton twill cloak, a black tower shield slung over his shoulder, a sturdy leather weapons harness slung over his other shoulder, a supple brindlecat hide herb satchel with a leaf-shaped eahnor clasp, a rolaren mesh sack with a veniom clasp in the shape of a silver gryphon, a drawstring weathered leather pouch, some glossy black leather boots with a matte kelyn-buckled gusset, and a pair of golden spurs.

Andalusain curtsies to Falvicar.

Cryheart says, "Folks, my squire, Falvicar."

Balantine quietly says, "And were successfully repelled, but nae until after they broke into the sqare and started some fires."

Cryheart grins at Falvicar.

Roblar smiles.

Roelaren nods at Falvicar.

Roblar and Falvicar clasp forearms in greeting.

Svantai smiles at Falvicar.

Falvicar breaks out in a silly grin.

Roelaren says, "Well met."

Roblar tips his head back and empties a stein of barley ale down his gullet!

Roblar looks rather relaxed.

Roelaren smiles at Falvicar.

Falvicar takes the edge of his spidersilk cape and holds it out, as he bows low in a courtly fashion.

Bristenn nods encouragingly at Falvicar.

Mohrgan raises an eyebrow.

Balantine gazes in awe at Falvicar.

Riend nods approvingly.

Cryheart says, "Ok..will be about a minute for Barzilla."

Maags says, "Veries chivalric of yous."

Maags nods at Cryheart.

Cryheart says, "We once had an infestion of bandits...if any of ye recall that."

Cryheart grins at Maags.

Cryheart says, "Thank ye."

Maags smiles at Cryheart.

Balantine quietly says, "Nae rush, my presentation is fairly brief, penty of time for discussion afterward."

Cryheart says, "We could nae get rid of em."

Roelaren smiles at Balantine.

Balantine nods at Cryheart.

Cryheart says, "They would on occasion attack us...and folks from the Landing had to run out here to aid us."

Maags asks, "In the tunnels? is that the time?"

Cryheart says, "Different."

Yurk Kaldicar tests the sharpness of his waraxe by running his calloused thumb along the edge, then touches up the blade with a honestone.

Maags nods.

Bristenn rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Cryheart says, "The tunnels were when Sir Davard took over the Holding."

Cryheart nods at Maags.

Maags says, "Oh yes."

Cryheart says, "And kicked us out."

Cryheart says, "Barricade was placed ere."

Cryheart rubs a portcullis.

Riend nods appreciatively at Mohrgan.

Balantine quietly says, "Kidnapped our guard, he prolly lost a few men doin' that."

Balantine smirks.

Cryheart says, "Sir Eahlstan and Sir Yarx at that time..went to the roof top..and were pushed over the roof."

Cryheart says, "Thank goodness they landed in teh swamp."

Cryheart grins.

Andalusain nods at Roelaren.

Maags grins.

Falvicar gibbers incoherently.

Bristenn frowns.

Andalusain shakes her head.

Maretta wrinkles her nose.

Andalusain looks less calm and refreshed than a moment ago.

Cryheart says, "We wait for Barzilla one minute..then we proceed."

Balantine quietly says, "We may need a lecture on followin directions...that or a good ranger."

Balantine starts chortling.

Forestall ducks his head.

[Gryphon Holding]
The stone tower rises above the surrounding marsh, narrow window slits and a battlement about the gabled roof giving it an almost sinister appearance. To the north, east, and west, the slope of the hillock descends sharply and is quickly lost beneath the reeds and cattails. You also see the Balantine disk, the Forestall disk, a rascally forest spirit that is flying around, an ember-eyed fire wyrdling, a black-armored dwarven guard and a portcullis. Also here: High Lord Falvicar, Lord Balantine, Dame Deavon, Grand Lady Cinabar, Bekke, Mynon, Maretta, Sir Bristenn, Alasatia, Mohrgan, Maags, Roblar, Riend, Lord Forestall, Lady Andalusain, Lord Komoki, Svantai, High Lady Roelaren, Sir Cryheart
Obvious paths: southwest

Andalusain begins chuckling at Forestall!

Maretta glibly says, "I thought the good rangers always got lost."

Andalusain nods at Roelaren.

Cryheart grins at Maretta.

Roelaren says, "He is with Goldstr now."

Goldstr's group just climbed up the slope.

look at tower
Devoid of embellishment, the stone tower stands perhaps seven manheights tall at its peak. At ground level the walls are pierced by a a portcullis, and alongside it a polished silver plaque has been set into the tower wall.

read plaque

  / \                                   \
  |                                    | 
  | *-----                      -----* | 
  | *---  The Chivalric Order of  ---* | 
  | *---    the Silver Gryphon    ---* | 
  | *------                    ------* | 
  |                                    | 
  |            OUR PURPOSE:            | 
  |                                    | 
  |    To Defend Our Town and The      | 
  |      People Who Live Within It.    | 
  |                                    | 
  |    To Protect Those Who Cannot     | 
  |      Protect Themselves.           | 
  |                                    | 
  |    To Aid Those Who Are In Need,   | 
  |      If Their Cause Is Just.       | 
  |                                    | 
  |      To Serve With Honor, By       | 
  |        Example And By Deed.        | 
  |                                    | 
  | ___________________________________| 
  |@\                                   \ 

look at portcullis
The large wooden gate is lowered through slots in the gatehouse. Made from horizontal and vertical oak beams with sharp spikes at the bottom, it's guided by counterweights used to make it easier to raise and lower.

A pygmy owl flies in.

Goldstr pants.

Cryheart says, "Here we go."

Maretta takes a drink from her barley ale.

Anyauma smiles.

Balantine bows to Goldstr.

Balantine bows to Barzillia.

Roelaren smiles.

Andalusain hugs Khristal, who wraps her in a warm embrace.

Cryheart says, "Plaque gives our oath."

Cryheart points at a polished silver plaque.

Cryheart says, "If ye hae nae read it yet."

Mynon glances at a polished silver plaque.

Barzillia bows to Balantine.

Cryheart nods at Barzillia.

Goldstr says, "Join Sir Cryheart folks."

Andalusain hugs Barzillia, who wraps her in a warm embrace.

Barzillia gives Andalusain a friendly hug.

Balantine quietly says, "Barely in time."

[Gryphon Holding]
The stone tower rises above the surrounding marsh, narrow window slits and a battlement about the gabled roof giving it an almost sinister appearance. To the north, east, and west, the slope of the hillock descends sharply and is quickly lost beneath the reeds and cattails. You also see a pygmy owl that is flying around, the Balantine disk, the Forestall disk, a rascally forest spirit that is flying around, an ember-eyed fire wyrdling, a black-armored dwarven guard and a portcullis. Also here: Barzillia, Lady Khristal, Anyauma, Brakian, Goldstr, High Lord Falvicar, Lord Balantine, Dame Deavon, Grand Lady Cinabar, Bekke, Mynon, Maretta, Sir Bristenn, Alasatia, Mohrgan, Maags, Roblar, Riend, Lord Forestall, Lady Andalusain, Lord Komoki, Svantai, High Lady Roelaren, Sir Cryheart
Obvious paths: southwest

Balantine grins.

Cryheart says, "Our guard, Yurik."

Cryheart says, "Yurk."

Barzillia pulls Roelaren into his arms and snuggles lovingly.

Cryheart points at a black-armored dwarven guard.

Anyauma flutters her wings at a black-armored dwarven guard.

Cryheart turns towards the dwarven guard and renders a sharp salute with his ripe green apple.

Khristal turns towards the dwarven guard and renders a sharp hand salute.

Barzillia turns towards the dwarven guard and renders a sharp hand salute.

Roelaren wraps Barzillia in a tender embrace.

Cryheart asks, "Everyone on board?"

Roelaren smiles at Barzillia.

Sir Cryheart's group just went through a portcullis.

[Gryphon Holding, Barbican]
Dark grey stone blocks arch overhead in a barrel vault that supports the tower above, and brass lanterns hang high in the corners, glowing in warm invitation. The stone floor is barely visible beneath a thick layer of heavily tamped sawdust and sand. A narrow passage continues northward through an arch leading toward a verdant bailey. You also see a large trapdoor and a portcullis. Also here: Maags, Roblar, Riend, Lady Andalusain, Lord Komoki, Svantai, High Lady Roelaren, Mohrgan, Alasatia, Sir Bristenn, Maretta, Mynon, Bekke, Grand Lady Cinabar, Dame Deavon, Lord Balantine, High Lord Falvicar, Goldstr, Lady Khristal, Sir Cryheart
Obvious exits: none

Cryheart says, "Quick refresh."

Anyauma just came through a portcullis.

Cryheart says, "For new folks."

Brakian just came through a portcullis.

Barzillia just came through a portcullis.

Cryheart points at a large trapdoor.

You hear very soft footsteps.

Andalusain says, "Wait...........we left Forestall."

Falvicar gazes thoughtfully at a large trapdoor.

Goldstr chuckles.

Andalusain shakes her head.

Forestall joins Cryheart's group.

Cryheart says, "Behind the trapdoor..is the dwarven tunnels..many."

Cryheart says, "Where the original forge in the lands, helped us develop the forging system."

Cryheart says, "Tis eternally locked, cept for special occasions."

You say, "Aha."

Goldstr grins at you.

Cryheart grins evilly.

Deavon says, "Be sure to duck."

Deavon pinches you. Ow!

Deavon begins chuckling at Cryheart!

Svantai raises an eyebrow.

Falvicar nods at Cryheart.

Cryheart nods at Falvicar.

Forestall heartily says, "Oops."

Andalusain pokes Forestall in the ribs.

Khristal asks, "These gonna be storm griffins or the smaller ones?"

Andalusain says, "Oh, my."

Andalusain blinks.

Cryheart points at an arch.

Sir Cryheart's group just went through an arch.

[Gryphon Holding, Open Courtyard]
Designed to be used for training, the courtyard is ringed with several devices for improving combat skills. In the center is an arena of sand for practicing skills against opponents. A set of racks rests against the south wall, storing several items of weaponry and armor. Near the western wall, a wide stone staircase leads up to the door, giving entrance to the tower. A selection of refreshments wait on a nearby table. You also see a gate, a large iron bound chest and an arch. Also here: Maags, Roblar, Riend, Lady Andalusain, Lord Komoki, Svantai, High Lady Roelaren, Mohrgan, Alasatia, Sir Bristenn, Maretta, Mynon, Bekke, Grand Lady Cinabar, Dame Deavon, Lord Balantine, High Lord Falvicar, Goldstr, Lady Khristal, Anyauma, Brakian, Barzillia, Lord Forestall, Sir Cryheart
Obvious exits: none

Cryheart says, "Courtyard where the train and test squires."

Cryheart says, "Racks and chest hold our training gear."

Cryheart says, "Refreshments on the table."

Cryheart knocks on a table.

Deavon takes a drink from her bergamot tea.

Cryheart says, "Ok..stables."

Sir Cryheart's group just entered a gate.

[Gryphon Holding, Stables]
Redolent of hay and horses, the stables are clean and well-tended. Grooms and stable boys move about the numerous stalls, their efforts acknowledged by contented whickers echoing almost conversationally. At one end twin destriers stand in adjacent stalls, their eyes bright and ears flicking alertly as they stamp to and fro, anxious to greet their riders. Caparisoned barding of black, ruby, and silver is laid out on a stand next to each steed, along with a monogrammed leather saddle. Also here: Maags, Roblar, Riend, Lady Andalusain, Lord Komoki, Svantai, High Lady Roelaren, Mohrgan, Alasatia, Sir Bristenn, Maretta, Mynon, Bekke, Grand Lady Cinabar, Dame Deavon, Lord Balantine, High Lord Falvicar, Goldstr, Lady Khristal, Anyauma, Brakian, Barzillia, Lord Forestall, Sir Cryheart
Obvious exits: out

look at barding
A complete set of specially fitted armor lies in pieces atop a wooden stand. Each piece, from chanfron to crinet to crupper is fashioned of sturdy blackened metal. Adorning the flanchards and peytrel is the symbol of the Order of the Silver Gryphons.

look at saddle
Oiled, but obviously well-used, each saddle bears the imprint of its rider. Gold lettering adorns the front quarter of each near the pommel. One bears the initials "WD," the other "YT." Unlike the other saddles awaiting their riders, each are fitted with a pair of polished black boots with golden spurs turned backwards in the stirrups.

look at destrier
A magnificent specimen, indeed. The horse is obviously bred for war. Its withers are broad and high, its body thick with muscles that ripple beneath its glossy black coat. Polished ebon hooves are shod in silver to match the argent gryphon of its barding.

look at stall
A scattering of fresh straw covers the floor of the stall, and a feed trough is filled with a mixture of apples, carrots, hay, and oats. A shelf at the back holds curry combs, brushes, and assorted hoof care tools.

Cryheart says, "Designed with help from the Order, by Sir Ruffelin."

Cryheart says, "Back in the days."

Goldstr says, "Many a days."

Goldstr raises his barley ale in a toast!

Goldstr grins.

Cryheart nods at Goldstr.

Roelaren smiles at Goldstr.

Deavon sighs.

Cryheart says, "Long ago."

Cryheart gazes heavenward.

Cinabar takes a drink from her spiced honey mead.

Cryheart says, "Saddles..are in memoriam of Sir Yarx and Dame Wanton."

Khristal nods.

Cryheart says, "May the rest in peace."

Firmly planting her feet equidistance apart, Maags clasps her hands in a reverent gesture.

Falvicar nods respectfully.

Cryheart points at a destrier.

Cryheart says, "One day, I will ride that warhorse."

Cryheart glances at a destrier and grins.

Goldstr grins at Cryheart.

Deavon begins chuckling at Cryheart!

Maags grins at Cryheart.

Maags nods.

Sir Cryheart's group just went out.
[Gryphon Holding, Open Courtyard]
Designed to be used for training, the courtyard is ringed with several devices for improving combat skills. In the center is an arena of sand for practicing skills against opponents. A set of racks rests against the south wall, storing several items of weaponry and armor. Near the western wall, a wide stone staircase leads up to the door, giving entrance to the tower. A selection of refreshments wait on a nearby table. You also see a gate, a large iron bound chest and an arch. Also here: Maags, Roblar, Riend, Lady Andalusain, Lord Komoki, Svantai, High Lady Roelaren, Mohrgan, Alasatia, Sir Bristenn, Maretta, Mynon, Bekke, Grand Lady Cinabar, Dame Deavon, Lord Balantine, High Lord Falvicar, Goldstr, Lady Khristal, Anyauma, Brakian, Barzillia, Lord Forestall, Sir Cryheart
Obvious exits: none

Cryheart points at a massive oak door.

Cryheart says, "In memory of the war with Jantalar."

Cryheart says, "If ye look at the design."

look at door
Carved into the center of this massive oak door is an intricate battle scene. The battle scene depicts a group of knights holding a banner of the Order of the Silver Gryphon. As if invading, a group of Jantalarian soldiers are poised to attack the holding tower. In the corner, a fallen knight is surrounded by his fellow troops.

The door is open.

look on table
On the table you see a mug of spiced honey mead, a stein of barley ale, a creamy bowl of frumenty, a small fried apple rissole, a roasted honey-glazed parsnip, a chunk of spit-roasted boar, a herb-crusted grilled turkey leg and some dwarven stout.

look at racks
You see a set of racks. Looking at the racks, you see a blue armor rack, a yellow weapon rack, a red armor rack and a green weapon rack.

Cryheart pants.

Cryheart asks, "All set?"

Roelaren says, "Nice."

Cryheart says, "Thanks."

Khristal nods.

Khristal smiles.

Sir Cryheart's group just went through a massive oak door.
[Gryphon Holding, First Floor]
Unadorned stone walls and narrow windows leave this room rather stark and austere. A fireplace fills most of the north wall, and the large table and benches that stand in the center of the room appear to be polished and new. Against the south wall, two rearing ivory gryphons hold between them an ebony and crimson dart board with silver numerals. You also see a newel staircase, a massive oak door and a basket of sticks. Also here: Maags, Roblar, Riend, Lady Andalusain, Lord Komoki, Svantai, High Lady Roelaren, Mohrgan, Alasatia, Sir Bristenn, Maretta, Mynon, Bekke, Grand Lady Cinabar, Dame Deavon, Lord Balantine, High Lord Falvicar, Goldstr, Lady Khristal, Anyauma, Brakian, Barzillia, Lord Forestall, Sir Cryheart
Obvious exits: none

Cryheart says, "Our original meeting area."

Deavon leans against a fireplace.

Khristal gazes with interest at an ebony and crimson dart board with silver numerals.

Cryheart grins at Deavon.

Cryheart says, "An assassin once gave Dame Deavon fond memories of the fireplace."

Goldstr points at a basket of sticks.

Balantine grins at Deavon.

Bekke takes a drink from her dwarven stout.

Bekke looks rather relaxed.

Deavon chuckles.

Cryheart says, "We had a window here originally, but since has been closed."

Goldstr grins at Deavon.

Roelaren shudders.

Deavon says, "And a hole in my cloak."

Deavon mutters under her breath.

Andalusain rubs Deavon gently.

Forestall takes a bite of his spit-roasted boar.

Cryheart says, "An arrow came through that window and almost gode her."

Cryheart grins at Deavon.

Roelaren says, "Oh no."

Forestall takes a drink from his dwarven stout.

Deavon grins at Cryheart.

Bristenn shakes his head, clucking his tongue.

Cryheart asks, "She donated that to the museum?"

Maags asks, "Did yous catch him?"

Roelaren takes a drink from her spiced honey mead.

Cryheart glances at Deavon.

Deavon nods at Cryheart.

Cryheart nods.

Balantine holds up two fingers and slowly pinches them together until they are almost touching.

Balantine quietly says, "Missed by that much."

Cryheart grins at Balantine.

Cryheart chuckles.

Forestall leans softly against Roelaren.

Deavon says, "After I got shafted, I gave it up."

Deavon snickers.

Cryheart begins chuckling at Deavon!

Roblar winces.

Cryheart just nudged Deavon.

Maags grins at Deavon.

Andalusain grins at Deavon.

Cryheart taps a newel staircase.

Sir Cryheart's group just climbed a newel staircase.

[Gryphon Holding, Great Hall]
A light draft stirs the banners draped overhead, each measure of silk representing a knight of the Order. Dominating the room is a massive oak table with a dozen tall chairs around it. Three smaller tables are set up in an alcove off the eastern wall for more private gatherings. Elaborate figurines of former members line the mantle of a huge fireplace set at the far end of the room. Flanking the hearth, floor-to-ceiling shelves hold a wide selection of reading material and ancient tomes. You also see a wooden ladder and a newel staircase. Also here: Maags, Roblar, Riend, Lady Andalusain, Lord Komoki, Svantai, High Lady Roelaren, Mohrgan, Alasatia, Sir Bristenn, Maretta, Mynon, Bekke, Grand Lady Cinabar, Dame Deavon, Lord Balantine, High Lord Falvicar, Goldstr, Lady Khristal, Anyauma, Brakian, Barzillia, Lord Forestall, Sir Cryheart
Obvious exits: none

Cryheart says, "Here is our meeting hall we use now."

Cryheart says, "Hae a seat if ye wish."

Cryheart rubs a tall chair.

Cryheart points at some elaborate figurines.

look at figurines
Executed in fine marble, these figurines are exquisite, showing the essences and personality of those who have gone before. Their weapons and armor, representing a variety of styles from ancient days to modern times, are cunningly detailed. The largest figurine displays a small plaque reading, "Sir Maldon, Founder of the Order of the Silver Gryphon."

Svantai surveys the area.

Roelaren helps herself to a wedge of golden cheddar cheese.

Cryheart says, "Refreshments on the table."

Svantai walks over to the chair and settles down.

Roelaren takes a bite of her golden cheddar cheese.

Goldstr leans against some shelves.

Roelaren takes a drink from her spiced honey mead.

Roelaren gasps for breath after she swallows a large draught of mead.

Bekke walks over to the chair and settles down.

Andalusain put a small snow lily bouquet in her black satchel.

Goldstr takes a drink from his barley ale.

Cryheart says, "Up the ladder is our battlements and roof."

Maretta walks over to the chair and settles down.

Anyauma looks less calm and refreshed than a moment ago.

Khristal walks over to the chair and settles down.

Mynon folds his hands behind his back.

Khristal stands up.

Falvicar walks over to the chair and settles down.

Roelaren walks over to the chair and settles down.

Maags leans against a tall chair.

You settle yourself on the tall chair for a moment's rest.

Maretta helps herself to a wedge of golden cheddar cheese.

Cryheart says, "Ye can see some constellations up there if ye look at the stars."

Andalusain pours herself a chalice of deep red wine.

Maretta takes a bite of her golden cheddar cheese.

Goldstr walks over to the chair and settles down.

Anyauma smiles.

Khristal asks, "How many people fit in this chair?"

Brakian nods at Cryheart.

Forestall walks over to the chair and settles down.

Khristal stares off into space.

Cryheart says, "Ok..get comy."

Bristenn folds his hands behind his back.

Cryheart says, "Comfy."

Andalusain begins chuckling at Khristal!

Khristal sits down.

Speaking quietly in Elven to Cryheart, Brakian says something you don't understand.

Cryheart says, "Hmm..12 perhaps."

Maags gives a tall chair a considering look, then shakes her head.

Cryheart grins at Khristal.

Andalusain exclaims, "Family time!"

Andalusain giggles.

Speaking quietly to Cryheart, Brakian says, "Dame Wanton took me up there, long ago."

Cryheart nods at Brakian.

Anyauma glances at Brakian.

Cryheart says, "Ahh..so ye know."

Cryheart grins at Brakian.

Komoki sits down.

Andalusain takes a drink from her deep red wine.

Anyauma smiles quietly to herself.

Mohrgan walks over to the chair and settles down.

Deavon nods to you.

Andalusain sits down.

Forestall takes a bite of his spit-roasted boar.

Andalusain stands up.

Forestall takes a drink from his dwarven stout.

Andalusain takes a drink from her deep red wine.

Anyauma pours herself a chalice of deep red wine.

Anyauma walks over to the chair and settles down.

Maags removes a peach rum slush from in a small wicker basket.

Tour Ends

Cryheart says, "Ok..let us begin folks."

Cryheart bows.

Cryheart recites:

"Good evening everyone and welcome to the Holding. This eve the Order of the Silver Gryphon is hosting a discussion on the chivalric concept of Franchise. I know many of ye are asking, what is Franchise? Lord Balantine will begin the discussion and provide information regarding, "Franchise"."

Maretta turns an inquisitive ear toward Cryheart.

Deavon grins at Balantine.

Cryheart nods at Balantine.

Balantine bows.

Cryheart takes a bite of his ripe green apple.

Brakian moves to stand behind Anyauma.

Barzillia turns an inquisitive ear toward Balantine.

Goldstr turns an inquisitive ear toward Balantine.

Forestall turns towards Balantine and renders a sharp salute with his spit-roasted boar.

Maags turns an inquisitive ear toward Balantine.

Andalusain takes a drink from her deep red wine.

Andalusain looks rather relaxed.

Cinabar takes a drink from her spiced honey mead.

Maretta settles her gaze on Balantine, watching him intently.

Balantine recites quietly:

"Welcome one and all, to another of our lectures on the virtues of Chivalry, tonight's presentation and discussion is on the topic of Franchise"

Balantine recites quietly:

"One of the most frequently misunderstood of the knightly virtues. The word comes to us from the Old tongue in which it meant freedom ."

Balantine recites quietly:

"The Dictionary defines Franchise as Freedom, immunity, privilege and as an attribute of character or action Nobility of mind liberality, generosity, magnanimity or Freedom or licence of speech or manners."

Balantine recites quietly:

"Being a part of the Noble class."

Balantine recites quietly:

"One of the aspects of our idea of Franchise is belonging or brotherhood. Being a part of a privileged class... how can this be a virtue, you may ask?"

Balantine recites quietly:

"Well, being a part of the noble knightly class may have been seen as a bit of a virtue on its own in a medieval hierarchy mindset, but also belonging to that class makes one free. (See also Noblesse Oblige)"

Balantine recites quietly:

"Noble birth, of course, is not an issue here but rather noblesse of heart. This then is Franchise, sometimes referred to as consistent nobility. "

Forestall smiles at Balantine.

Cryheart nods at Balantine.

Balantine recites quietly:

"The first part of Franchise is simply having all of the other Chivalric Virtues and having them consistently. "

Balantine recites quietly:

"While this is by no means easy, it is not a separate attribute, but simply a constancy of all of them. "

Cryheart nods at Balantine.

Balantine recites quietly:

"Another way of seeing Franchise as a virtue may be simply the virtue of owning your place in society."

Balantine recites quietly:

"There is a part of Franchise that is separate from the other virtues, however, and that is what I call Noble Bearing. There is a marked, if intangible, difference between the titled and the enfranchised. "

Balantine recites quietly:

Balantine recites quietly: "It is a carriage (but not a swagger), a sense of noblesse oblige, a certain confidence, perhaps."

Balantine recites quietly:"It can easily be overdone into arrogance or seem patronizing. Consequently, it should never be put on as an act, or it will either look like an act or like arrogance. "

Balantine recites quietly: "This is not an attribute that can be taught, or even learned. It can only be grown into, though reaching for the other virtues and profiting by the example of those you respect can help. "

Balantine recites quietly: "Simply put, if one is not free to act, is compelled into virtue, are they indeed virtuous? Without free will and free choice you cannot weigh a person's actions as representing their worth. "

Balantine recites quietly:

"Simply put, if one is not free to act, is compelled into virtue, are they indeed virtuous? Without free will and free choice you cannot weigh a person's actions as representing their worth. "

Svantai places her hands on her hips and eyes Balantine with a skeptical look.

Balantine recites quietly:

"In conclusion, Franchise is a brotherhood of free action and a nobility which includes the virtues of Chivalry."

Svantai stares off into space.

Balantine recites quietly:

"I will now open the floor for discussion and observations about the virtue of Franchise"

Roblar nods.

Andalusain applauds Balantine.

Roelaren applauds Balantine.

Svantai applauds Balantine.

Bristenn applauds Balantine.

Roblar smiles.

Cryheart says, "Keep in mind, that franchise is the totality of all chivalry principles."

Balantine smiles at Roblar.

Maags applauds Balantine.

Cryheart applauds Balantine.

Falvicar applauds Balantine.

Anyauma flutters her wings at Balantine.

Maags says, "Thank yous."

Bekke smiles at Balantine.

Forestall applauds Balantine.

Goldstr applauds Balantine.

Roelaren smiles at Balantine.

Maags nods at Cryheart.

Cryheart takes a bite of his ripe green apple.

Marietta takes a bite of her golden cheddar cheese.

Riend smiles at Balantine.

Riend inclines her head.

Roelaren takes a bite of her golden cheddar cheese.

Forestall takes a drink from his dwarven stout.

Balantine recites quietly:

"Does anyone have some examples, perhaps?"

Cryheart says, "We attempt to follow our chivalric principles in all facets of life."

Maags says, "Executing all of them well and being natural about it."

Maags bites her lip.

Forestall takes a bite of his spit-roasted boar.

Bristenn rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Goldstr nods at Maags.

Forestall smiles mag

Forestall's cheeks darken with a deep carmine shade.

Goldstr grins at Maags.

Goldstr nods.

Maags smiles.

Goldstr raises his hand.

Balantine points at Goldstr.

Maags turns an inquisitive ear toward Goldstr.

Komoki says, "Charity for those in need."

Goldstr says, "A question somes may be timid a askin."

Maags appears less confident.

Svantai takes a drink from her spiced honey mead.

Svantai gasps for breath after she swallows a large draught of mead.

Maags says, "Good examples are most if not all of the Gryphons I has met."

Maags glances around the room.

Andalusain takes a drink from her deep red wine.

Andalusain looks rather relaxed.

Goldstr says, "As ye mentioned dose a franchise seems ta be involved in some noble group or born into loyalty."

Goldstr asks, "Kin any one nae in some group be blessed wid franchise?"

Balantine quietly says, "I can take that one to answer."

Deavon smiles at Maags.

Speaking to Goldstr, Andalusain says, "But ya must never fergit that you are one of the people."

Balantine taps a black enameled bracer with a silver gryphon set in a ruby circle that he is wearing.

Svantai cocks her head at Balantine.

Balantine recites quietly:

"In our Order, the bracer is the symbol of our Franchise to the Order of the Silver Gryphon"

Maretta takes a bite of her golden cheddar cheese.

Goldstr nods.

Cryheart taps a black enameled bracer with a silver gryphon set in a ruby circle that he is wearing.

Cryheart gazes heavenward.

Cryheart smiles.

Balantine recites quietly:

"One must display all the virtues of the Code of Chivalry to be inducted in our Order, and maintain that standard as long as it is worm"

Balantine quietly says, "Worn."

Forestall nods at Balantine.

Roelaren says, "Holding fairness for all in your heart and the giving of charity, not only in material things but in the manner in which ye relate to all folks."

Andalusain agrees with Roelaren.

Balantine quietly says, "Indeed."

Cryheart says, "Our Order meets about every two weeks or so..on this day."

Svantai glances between Balantine and Cryheart.

Maags smiles at Roelaren.

Roelaren smiles at Maags.

Maags takes a drink from her peach rum slush.

Maags looks rather relaxed.

Cryheart says, "We do allow guests..just need to give us notice in advance."

Roelaren takes a drink from her spiced honey mead.

Andalusain nods at Cryheart.

Roelaren smiles at Cryheart.

Maags says, "So can shine yous armors."

Cryheart says, "We mainly take warriors, paladins and hae thought of monks...."

Roelaren grins at Maags.

Cryheart grins at Maags.

Andalusain begins chuckling at Maags!

Goldstr begins chuckling at Maags!

Balantine grins.

Cryheart says, "But we do hae Friends, or Scions of the Order."

Cryheart says, "We hae had clerics, rangers, and such be Friends of the Order."

Maags furrows her brow.

Roelaren asks, "How do ye become a Friend of the Order ?"

Cryheart says, "Aye..we originally were a warrior society to protect the Landing from Baron Hochstib."

Brakian quietly says, "And keep the Landing free and independant."

You say, "And the anti-magical mandis crystal."

Cryheart says, "A somewhat parallel path to being a full member."

You nod.

Cryheart smiles at Roelaren.

Roelaren smiles at Cryheart.

Roelaren nods.

Bristenn rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Cryheart says, "Baron Hochstib wanted to claim this territory so he would hae a free port."

Svantai takes a drink from her spiced honey mead.

Mohrgan tilts his head down.

Cryheart says, "Baron Malwind and Sir Maldon created the Order to thwart his plans."

Roelaren takes a drink from her spiced honey mead.

Mohrgan nods slightly.

You let out a cheer!

Roelaren smiles.

Cryheart says, "Thus began our history."

Goldstr raises his barley ale in a toast!

Maags grins at Cryheart.

Maags nods.

Roelaren raises her spiced honey mead in a toast!

Anyauma smiles.

Forestall smiles at Cryheart.

Cryheart says, "Some of our knights and members were inducted by Baron Malwind of VOrnavis."

Roelaren nods.

Cryheart says, "And a few of us..were knighted by Earl Jovery..the northern sentinel."

You say, "Sir Maldon was explicity sent here, to "hold down the fort", as it were. A fascinating tale in its own, our founding."

Balantine agrees with you.

Goldstr nods to you.

Cryheart nods to you.

Svantai takes a drink from her spiced honey mead.

Cryheart points at some elaborate figurines.

Bekke takes a drink from her dwarven stout.

Andalusain nods at Forestall.

[Gryphon Holding, Great Hall]
A light draft stirs the banners draped overhead, each measure of silk representing a knight of the Order. Dominating the room is a massive oak table with a dozen tall chairs around it. Three smaller tables are set up in an alcove off the eastern wall for more private gatherings. Elaborate figurines of former members line the mantle of a huge fireplace set at the far end of the room. Flanking the hearth, floor-to-ceiling shelves hold a wide selection of reading material and ancient tomes. You also see the Symerian disk, the Forestall disk, the Balantine disk, a wooden ladder and a newel staircase. Also here: Symerian who is sitting, Kylinarr who is sitting, Lady Andalusain, Lord Forestall who is sitting, Barzillia, Brakian, Anyauma who is sitting, Lady Khristal who is sitting, Goldstr who is sitting, High Lord Falvicar who is sitting, Lord Balantine, Dame Deavon, Grand Lady Cinabar, Bekke who is sitting, Mynon, Maretta who is sitting, Sir Bristenn, Alasatia, Mohrgan who is sitting, Maags, Roblar, Riend, Lord Komoki who is sitting, Svantai who is sitting, High Lady Roelaren who is sitting, Sir Cryheart
Obvious exits: none

Cryheart takes a drink from his dwarven stout.

Maags takes a drink from her peach rum slush.

Balantine recites quietly:

"I mentioned Noblesse Oblige earlier, anyone want to explain that?"

Cryheart says, "Any squire goes through a period of learning the precepts of chivalry...then get assigned tasks to prove their merit."

Cryheart turns to face Balantine.

Cryheart turns an inquisitive ear toward Balantine.

Roelaren stands up.

Bristenn raises his hand.

Balantine nods at Bristenn.

Goldstr mutters bigwordsagin.

Maags grins at Goldstr.

Cryheart grins at Goldstr.

Andalusain grins at Roelaren.

Kylinarr begins chuckling at Goldstr!

Roelaren nods at Andalusain.

Barzillia pours himself a stein of dwarven stout.

Bristenn states, "The intrinsic responsibility of those either born into privilege or having earned it to show both kindness, generosity of spirit and mercy to those bereft of such."

Andalusain nods at Roelaren.

Svantai gives a sidelong glance at Bristenn.

Andalusain hugs Roelaren, who wraps her in a warm embrace.

Balantine quietly exclaims, "Absolutely!"

Maretta helps herself to a wedge of golden cheddar cheese.

Goldstr turns towards Bristenn and renders a sharp salute with his barley ale.

Cryheart nods briskly!

Forestall applauds Bristenn.

hugs Forestall, who wraps her in a warm embrace.

Bristenn inclines his head.

Forestall hugs Andalusain, who wraps him in a warm embrace.

Brakian chuckles.

Anyauma takes a drink from her deep red wine.

Anyauma looks rather relaxed.

Maags smiles at Bristenn.

Brakian grabs a russet suede-covered case with a bronze clasp from one of the small pouches lining the inside of his vruul skin coat.

Brakian carefully manipulates the metallic clasp on his case and, as the pieces of the closure shift and release, the lip pops open.

Roelaren gives Andalusain a friendly hug.

Maretta takes a bite of her golden cheddar cheese.

Brakian removes a glass of Dhe'nari blood wine from in his suede-covered case.

Closing the lid of his case, Brakian manipulates the pieces of its clasp, and it clicks softly as the locking mechanism is once again secured.

Roelaren takes a drink from her spiced honey mead.

Roelaren gasps for breath after she swallows a large draught of mead.

Brakian tucks a russet suede-covered case with a bronze clasp into one of the small pouches lining the inside of his vruul skin coat.

Cryheart says, "Tis nae meant to be a state of arrogancy...is a way of life..beholding to adhering to the principles of chivalry."

Cinabar gasps for breath after she swallows a large draught of mead.

Cryheart says, "And we get tested on those principles a lot."

Cryheart smiles.

Goldstr takes a drink from his barley ale.

Roelaren agrees with Cryheart.

Bristenn nods sagely at Cryheart.

Bekke appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Forestall takes a bite of his spit-roasted boar.

Balantine smiles.

Forestall takes a drink from his dwarven stout.

Cryheart says, "Honor, courage, duty, loyalty..etc."

Goldstr nods.

Barzillia nods at Roelaren.

Falvicar mutters valor.

Roelaren smiles at Barzillia.

Cryheart says, "If ye hae about five minutes...my squire has a task..."

Roelaren says, "Of course."

Balantine nods.

You say, "And in a more simple phrasing, nobless oblige might relate to the old saying, you are indeed, your brothers keeper."

Roelaren smiles at Falvicar.

Goldstr nods at Cryheart.

Goldstr turns towards Falvicar and renders a sharp salute with his barley ale.

Cryheart says, "And he has waited some time to present it...due to the bloody shadows."

Cryheart grins.

Bristenn chuckles to himself.

Bristenn nods in agreement to you.

Roelaren agrees with you.

Cryheart nods at Falvicar.

Cryheart says, "Go ahead."

Cryheart smiles.

Falvicar nods slowly.

Roelaren says, "Indeed."

Balantine grins at Falvicar.

Goldstr turns an inquisitive ear toward Falvicar.

Roelaren turns an inquisitive ear toward Falvicar.

Roblar seems a bit less imposing.

Roelaren leans on Barzillia resting her head against his shoulder.

Falvicar quietly says, "Sir Cyheart tasked me to read various tablets and choose one of the words upon them and why I believe it's the most important trait. I chose valor."

Roelaren smiles at Falvicar.

Svantai raises an eyebrow in Falvicar's direction.

Forestall peers quizzically at Falvicar.

Komoki smiles.

Goldstr peers quizzically at Falvicar.

Mohrgan shifts his weight.

Barzillia takes a drink from his dwarven stout.

Roelaren takes a drink from her spiced honey mead.

Roelaren helps herself to a wedge of golden cheddar cheese.

Cryheart takes a drink from his dwarven stout.

Cryheart helps himself to a wedge of golden cheddar cheese.

Falvicar quietly says, "Valor is being able to have the courage to go after whatever enemy is in front of you - no matter how unlikely you might die or lose the war. Having valor though, in my opinion, is improving morale of your group to go forth and overcome all odds and part of the reason we were able to defeat the Bloody Shadows nae too long ago."

Forestall takes a bite of his spit-roasted boar.

Cryheart takes a bite of his golden cheddar cheese.

Forestall takes a drink from his dwarven stout.

Forestall looks rather relaxed.

Maags smiles at Falvicar.

Roelaren smiles at Falvicar.

Svantai furrows her brow, her face tensed in some inner conflict.

Maags says, "Making everybodies feel brave."

Roelaren smiles at Maags.

Falvicar nods at Cryheart.

Cryheart nods at Falvicar.

Roelaren pours herself a cup of warm bergamot tea.

Forestall takes a bite of his spit-roasted boar.

Maags takes a drink from her peach rum slush.

Cryheart nods at Falvicar.

Forestall takes a drink from his dwarven stout.

Forestall looks rather relaxed.

Cryheart says, "Thank ye, Falvicar."

Goldstr applauds Falvicar.

Roelaren raises her bergamot tea in a toast!

Maags applauds Falvicar.

Roelaren applauds Falvicar.

Forestall applauds.

You smile.

Cryheart applauds Falvicar.

Bristenn nods approvingly at Falvicar.

Goldstr raises his barley ale in a toast!

Bekke smiles at Falvicar.

Roblar helps himself to a wedge of golden cheddar cheese.

Roblar takes a bite of his golden cheddar cheese.

Maags giggles at Roblar.

Roblar grins.

Bekke takes a drink from her dwarven stout.

Svantai takes a drink from her spiced honey mead.

Svantai gasps for breath after she swallows a large draught of mead.

Roblar smacks his lips.

Cryheart says, "That is just a taste of what a squire is required to demonstrate."

Falvicar takes the edge of his spidersilk cape and holds it out, as he bows low in a courtly fashion.

Goldstr yells, "Aye! Valor!"

Brakian leans softly against Anyauma.

Roelaren smiles at Cryheart.

Maags says, "Is veries nerve wracking seems."

Goldstr takes a drink from his barley ale.

Maags shifts her weight, restlessly leaning back and forth.

Mohrgan tilts his head down.

Cryheart says, "It can be."

Cryheart grins at Maags.

Anyauma smiles.

Roelaren agrees with Maags.

Cryheart winks at Falvicar.

Speaking to Falvicar, Maags says, "Yous did veries well."

Brakian takes a drink from his Dhe'nari blood wine.

Brakian looks rather relaxed.

Roelaren agrees with Maags.

Cryheart asks, "Ye all recall Thrudh?"

Balantine nods at Cryheart.

Roelaren says, "Yes."

Goldstr grins at Cryheart.

Deavon sighs.

Speaking quietly to Maags, Falvicar says, "Thankee, though I do need to speak more of it in other meetings. Tis just a step in the task."

Cryheart says, "My testing required me to face him and his mighty mattock."

Cryheart gazes heavenward.

Falvicar grins at Maags.

Mynon nods once at Bristenn.

Cryheart says, "Last test."

Maags grins at Falvicar.

Cryheart nods at Roelaren.

Balantine grins.

Cryheart says, "So..it can be nerve wracking."

Maags grins at Cryheart.

Roelaren smiles.

Roelaren agrees with Cryheart.

Bristenn chuckles to himself.

Goldstr grins.

Cryheart smiles.

Cryheart says, "I miss Thrudh."

Maags says, "Makes fro wobbly knees."

Cryheart nods at Deavon.

Goldstr says, "We keeps a cleric at da tests."

Maags says, "For."

Forestall grins at Roelaren.

Cryheart says, "Wobbly heads too."

Maags giggles at Cryheart.

Roelaren smiles at Forestall.

Balantine cackles!

Goldstr says, "Most squires woul nae ever concede."

Cryheart nods at Goldstr.

Roblar grins at Cryheart.

Balantine quietly says, "Ye learned ta dodge a bit better since then, I could nae even touch in our House Hendor match when ye were sound asleep."

Balantine winks at Cryheart.

Roblar deeply asks, "Where da test held?"

Roblar deeply asks, "Helden?"

Cryheart says, "When we had discussed Honor or Courage...the discussion can get long."

Roelaren smiles.

Balantine quietly says, "Aye Helden Hall."

Roblar nods at Balantine.

Balantine quietly says, "I nae seen anyone dodge in their sleep like that."

Cryheart says, "In the courtyard."

Balantine grins at Cryheart.

Goldstr nods at Cryheart.

Cryheart nods at Roblar.

Forestall nods at Roelaren.

Falvicar nods.

Roelaren takes a bite of her golden cheddar cheese.

Cryheart takes a bite of his golden cheddar cheese.

Deavon says, "Think we only once had one concede."

Roelaren takes a drink from her bergamot tea.

Deavon ponders.

Goldstr takes a drink from his barley ale.

Cryheart nods at Deavon.

Deavon glances at Cryheart.

Deavon says, "But his honor was such..."

Cinabar pours herself a chalice of deep red wine.

Cinabar takes a drink from her deep red wine.

Cinabar looks rather relaxed.

Cryheart says, "Was nae me."

Cryheart just nudged Deavon.

Bristenn sheepishly admits, "I for one had too much blood in my ears from Shirkon's strikes, and couldn't hear him asking if I would yield."

Bristenn clears his throat.

Roelaren grins at Bristenn.

Cryheart says, "Needless to say..I was young..and perished."

Goldstr begins chuckling at Bristenn!

Mynon appears to be trying hard not to grin.

You chuckle.

Cryheart chuckles.

Maretta smirks at Bristenn.

Maags grins at Bristenn.

Falvicar breaks out in a silly grin.

Deavon begins chuckling at Cryheart!

Cryheart grins at Bristenn.

Deavon asks, "Was it Cemb that waxed me?"

Deavon starts chortling.

Cryheart nods at Deavon.

Cryheart says, "I think so."

Deavon gazes heavenward.

You say, "Think so."

You nod.

Deavon says, "Bet he enjoyed that."

Deavon whistles tunelessly to herself.

Cryheart says, "We do test chivalric principles."

Cryheart begins chuckling at Deavon!

Goldstr grins at Deavon.

Roblar chuckles.

Deavon says, "I was so tiny then."

Cryheart grins at Roblar.

Deavon grins.

Cryheart says, "Same."

Deavon takes a drink from her bergamot tea.

Cryheart nods at Deavon.

Goldstr exclaims, "Coulds writes a book jess bouts Sir Cemb!"

Cryheart says, "All I can say is...ouch."

Deavon begins chuckling at Goldstr!

Balantine snickers.

Cryheart grins at Goldstr.

Maags takes a drink from her peach rum slush.

Deavon grins at Cryheart.

Roelaren grins at Goldstr.

Roelaren chuckles.

Deavon takes a drink from her bergamot tea.

Roelaren takes a bite of her golden cheddar cheese.

Cinabar heartily says, "He travelled to a different drum."

Cryheart nods at Cinabar.

Roelaren takes a drink from her bergamot tea.

Cinabar takes a drink from her deep red wine.

Goldstr nods at Cinabar.

Cryheart says, "Unfortunately."

Svantai takes a drink from her spiced honey mead.

Svantai gasps for breath after she swallows a large draught of mead.

Cryheart says, "And lost his knighthood in the end."

Cryheart rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Cinabar nods.

Balantine sighs.

Cryheart says, "Too bad."

Goldstr nods.

Bristenn nods slowly.

Deavon says, "A pity."

Roelaren agrees with Cryheart.

Cryheart says, "What the Baron giveth, the Baron can taketh away."

Goldstr chuckles.

Cryheart nods.

Cryheart smiles.

Deavon nods at Cryheart.

Bekke narrows her eyes.

Cryheart asks, "Ok..any more questions folks?"

Deavon says, "Just like that..."

Deavon snaps her fingers.

Cryheart says, "Dinnae want to take up too much of ye time."

Cryheart nods at Deavon.

Svantai pours herself a snifter of warmed pear brandy.

Maags asks, "Ever give warhorse rides?"

Svantai takes a drink from her warmed pear brandy.

She pauses for a moment to savor the complex flavors.

Svantai looks rather relaxed.

Maags bounces around happily.

Cryheart laughs at Maags!

Cinabar takes a drink from her deep red wine.

Falvicar chuckles to himself.

Roelaren takes a bite of her golden cheddar cheese.

Maags leans on Cryheart, giving him a companionable grin.

Cryheart says, "Me personally..only the orphans."

Roelaren takes a drink from her bergamot tea.

Cryheart grins at Maags.

Speaking to Cryheart, Svantai asks, "How do you determine who gets what squire?"

Balantine grins.

Speaking quietly to Cryheart, Falvicar says, "Wonder if she can eat a tart and ride it."

Cryheart says, "Though they hae been invited for a tour."

Goldstr takes a drink from his barley ale.

Cryheart says, "A full member chooses."

Cryheart nods at Svantai.

Speaking to Falvicar, Maags says, "Willing to tries."

Cryheart begins chuckling at Falvicar!

Maags grins.

Speaking to Cryheart, Svantai asks, "How do you determine, then, who is eligible?"

Falvicar appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Cryheart says, "Anyone can be a guest to our meetings..as long ye give us a heads up."

Cryheart says, "And eventually, if a full member thinks ye be a good candidate...you will be asked."

Cryheart nods at Svantai.

Mynon raises his hand.

Cryheart nods at Mynon.

Cryheart says, "I was a guest and squire for 'oer a year."

Speaking to Cryheart, Mynon asks, "Do each of you choose a virtue which you hold most highly in esteem?"

Cryheart says, "Some less..some a bit more."

Roelaren smiles at Cryheart.

Goldstr shakes his head.

Cryheart says, "Depends if they are given a task..such as my squire."

Cryheart grins at Mynon.

Deavon says, "I was squire for two..."

Cryheart says, "We adhere to all principles."

Cryheart nods at Mynon.

Cryheart says, "Two years."

Cryheart nods at Deavon.

Deavon nods.

Deavon says, "Had to wait for Kinshack."

Deavon grins at Cryheart.

Svantai releases a slow, low whistle.

Cryheart says, "Depends on the circumstances."

Cryheart nods at Deavon.

Cryheart smiles.

Goldstr says, "Tinks I squired bouts a year under me mentor Sir Morgiest."

Cryheart nods at Goldstr.

Deavon asks, "Was that the first time someone had two squires at once?"

Deavon raises an eyebrow in Cryheart's direction.

Cryheart rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Cryheart says, "Hard to say...I hae had two squires at once."

Deavon nods.

Roelaren smiles at Goldstr.

Cryheart gazes off into the distance, his expression betraying deep concentration.

Deavon says, "It was like being the youngest daughter. The old maid had to get married first before I could."

Deavon snickers.

Bristenn chuckles to himself.

Svantai snickers at Deavon.

Goldstr begins chuckling at Deavon!

Balantine grins.

Cryheart says, "Our prime purpose..is to defend the Landing and the citizens..any citizen..if their cause be jsut."

Roelaren grins at Deavon.

Cryheart says, "Just."

Svantai takes a drink from her warmed pear brandy.

She pauses for a moment to savor the complex flavors.

Cryheart begins chuckling at Deavon!

Deavon leans on you, giving you a companionable grin, and you note the scent of sweet jasmine around her.

Cryheart takes a bite of his golden cheddar cheese.

Deavon takes a drink from her bergamot tea.

You lean on Deavon, giving her a companionable grin.

Cryheart says, "Why some of us are in our current predicament."

Cryheart smiles.

Cryheart takes a drink from his dwarven stout.

Goldstr turns towards Cryheart and renders a sharp hand salute.

Goldstr nods.

Cryheart turns towards Goldstr and renders a sharp hand salute.

Goldstr relaxes and no longer maintains the Shield Riposte Stance.

Cinabar heartily asks, "What predicament?"

[Gryphon Holding, Great Hall]
A light draft stirs the banners draped overhead, each measure of silk representing a knight of the Order. Dominating the room is a massive oak table with a dozen tall chairs around it. Three smaller tables are set up in an alcove off the eastern wall for more private gatherings. Elaborate figurines of former members line the mantle of a huge fireplace set at the far end of the room. Flanking the hearth, floor-to-ceiling shelves hold a wide selection of reading material and ancient tomes. You also see the Symerian disk, the Forestall disk, the Balantine disk, a wooden ladder and a newel staircase. Also here: Symerian who is sitting, Kylinarr who is sitting, Lady Andalusain, Lord Forestall who is sitting, Barzillia, Brakian, Anyauma who is sitting, Lady Khristal who is sitting, Goldstr who is sitting, High Lord Falvicar who is sitting, Lord Balantine, Dame Deavon, Grand Lady Cinabar, Bekke who is sitting, Mynon, Maretta who is sitting, Sir Bristenn, Alasatia, Mohrgan who is sitting, Maags, Roblar, Riend, Svantai who is sitting, High Lady Roelaren, Sir Cryheart
Obvious exits: none

Goldstr grins at Cinabar.

Cryheart says, "Earl Jovery's edict for Talador and the Order to stand down."

Cryheart grins at Cinabar.

Balantine removes a mug of spiced honey mead from in his black silk greatcloak.

Balantine takes a drink from his spiced honey mead.

Cryheart says, "And Sir Thadston being sent to monitor us."

Svantai nods at Cryheart.

Svantai takes a drink from her warmed pear brandy.

Cryheart says, "We shall prevail."

Cryheart says, "Sometimes folks..one has to choose which duty and oath to follow above all else."

Goldstr says, "Da plaque guides me well in lots a matters."

Cryheart gazes heavenward.

Mohrgan nods once.

Cryheart nods at Goldstr.

Speaking to Deavon, you ask, "Are you still considering the other event we spoke of, the Leya Shrine?"

Roblar nods in agreement.

Roelaren nods at Goldstr.

Cryheart says, "Is nae always easy."

Roblar deeply says, "You chose..wisely."

Roblar smiles at Cryheart.

Bekke asks, "Thank you for your hospitality. Unfortunately, I must be off. Would someone point me towards the door?"

Bekke stands up.

Cryheart says, "Stairs..door..arch..port."

Cryheart nods at Bekke.

Bekke says, "Thank you."

Cryheart bows to Bekke.

Cryheart says, "Welcome."

Bekke says, "Good evening, all."

Balantine bows to Bekke.

Bekke just went down a newel staircase.

Roblar deeply says, "Dat was a messy conflict."

Cryheart says, "Aye."

Mohrgan echoes, "Tragic."

Roblar nods at Mohrgan.

Bristenn wearily agrees, "It certainly was."

Maags says, "Still cleaning up."

Cryheart says, "Amen."

Maags slowly empties her lungs.

Cryheart says, "We shall survive."

Roblar deeply says, "Ah remember comin down south after a fun month in der town an expectin to least talk some sense to dem."

Cryheart nods at Roblar.

Roblar deeply says, "But nae, dey began immediate attacks."

Roblar shakes his head, clucking his tongue.

Mohrgan shakes his head.

Mohrgan quietly murmurs, "They were pawns, as were we all."

Roblar nods at Mohrgan.

Forestall nods at Roblar.

Cryheart says, "We attempted to parlay with Sir Davard."

Roblar deeply says, "No moar."

Roblar idly scratches himself on the neck.

Roblar nods once.

Cryheart says, "Then his catapults began..and killed a young boy..that helped me make my decision."

Roblar deeply says, "Aye, near da Caravansarry."

Roelaren agrees with Cryheart.

Maretta takes a drink from her barley ale.

Cryheart nods at Roblar.

Goldstr nods at Cryheart.

Roblar deeply says, "Oh thought you meant later."

Roelaren says, "I found no honor in him."

Cryheart says, "Earlier."

Svantai says, "He was a bad man..."

Roblar agrees with Roelaren.

Cryheart says, "It was in town when a boulder struck."

Cryheart says, "And I saw it."

Bristenn sighs, "Unfortunately, the late Lordship Thermon Chisholm would not relent, and Sir Davard would not disobey his lord or the Church."

Svantai says, "And desperation makes bad men do bad things."

Cryheart nods at Svantai.

Cryheart nods briskly!

Speaking cautiously to himself, Mohrgan murmurs, "It is...it was never...so simple."

Roblar deeply says, "Which goes back to..."

quietly says, "Davard was the cause of many a youth's death...on both sides, some of those scouts could barely shave."

Roblar points at Balantine.

Roblar grins.

Roblar deeply says, "Ez duscussion tonight."

Mohrgan glances at Svantai.

Roblar flatly says, "Davard..didn't av it."

Anyauma stands up.

Roblar winks.

Anyauma bows low, spreading her wings for all to see.

Cryheart smiles at Roblar.

Speaking to Mohrgan, Svantai says, "I should say... worse things."

Cryheart says, "Stairs. door, arch, port."

Brakian bows.

Cryheart nods at Anyauma.

Goldstr bows to Anyauma.

Barzillia takes a drink from his dwarven stout.

Anyauma smiles.

Anyauma waves.

Alasatia nods slightly.

Alasatia just went down a newel staircase.

Kylinarr clasps Symerian's hand tenderly.

Brakian just went down a newel staircase.

Kylinarr stands up.

Symerian stands up.

Bristenn holds up his hand and tilts it side to side in a so-so gesture.

Anyauma just went down a newel staircase.

Cryheart says, "If ye need to leave..just climb the stairs...door..arch..then port."

Mohrgan vaguely repeats, "Pawns."

Mohrgan leans back.

Kylinarr says, "Thank you for allowing us to listen in on the talks. Please make sure anyone here who can votes for mayor when the elections occur. Good evening."

Bristenn remarks, "Sir Davard was new to his spurs, after all- and never squired, to my knowledge, to any knights, as Talador had none for some number of decades."

Symerian says, "Night."

Cryheart says, "Niters."

Cryheart says, "Ye be welcome."

Cryheart says, "And thanks for coming folks."

Kylinarr's group just went down a newel staircase.

Balantine waves.

Cryheart nods at Bristenn.

Forestall turns towards Balantine and renders a sharp hand salute.

Speaking carefully to Bristenn, Svantai asks, "How did that come to be, then?"

Barzillia quietly says, "Thanks for yer hospitality."

Roblar nods briskly!

Roblar smirks.

Roblar nods at Bristenn.

Cryheart grins at Falvicar.

Cryheart bows to Barzillia.

Cryheart says, "Welcome."

Speaking to Svantai, Bristenn asks, "Which? Talador having no official knights or vassals?"

Cryheart takes a drink from his dwarven stout.

Roblar chuckles to himself.

Goldstr turns towards Barzillia and renders a sharp hand salute.

Falvicar grins at Cryheart.

Cryheart grins at Falvicar.

Maags asks, "Because of his future father in law yes? he got the position without squiring?"

Speaking to Bristenn, Svantai says, "No, I mean a male being knighted without being properly squired."

Maags says, "Well was sposed to be."

Bristenn scratches his head.

Cryheart says, "Oh..just in case...be prepped if those grimed up Grimmies attack again tonight."

You ask, "Having served as a squire do you mean?"

Roblar grins.

Balantine nods.

Bristenn agrees, "Maags is rather spot on, actually."

Goldstr nods at Cryheart.

Roblar adopts an agreeable expression.

Khristal stands up.

Cryheart nods at Maags.

Roblar balls his fists, causing his golvern-banded gauntlets to tighten around his hands.

Cryheart says, "Aye...political favors do occur."

Roblar deeply says, "Aye, didn't get a chance to see dem."

Cryheart says, "Same."

Cryheart nods at Roblar.

Roblar deeply says, "Heard der was a hulkin one dat needs to be cut down."

Khristal adjusts her hammered metal breastplate, improving its ability to support the weight of her gear.

Roblar deeply says, "At da knees, an den da neck."

Cryheart grins at Roblar.

Roblar grunts.

Maags says, "I can do knees."

Maretta takes a drink from her barley ale.

Roblar grins at Maags.

Cryheart begins chortling at Maags.

Roblar adopts an agreeable expression.

Bristenn clarifies, "He was the captain of House Chisholm's personal guard. Over time, he had grown to be a close member of their family."

Maags grins.

Cryheart says, "Throw em a tart, and whack em when the bend over."

Cryheart nods at Maags.

Maags nods at Cryheart.

Roelaren grins.

Maags giggles.

Cryheart smiles.

Cryheart nods at Bristenn.

Goldstr says, "Sos ye all knows Me honor gittin real tested by dat Lover Boy minstrel from Talador a nae respectin our womenfolks."

Maags nods at Bristenn.

Roblar deeply says, "Seems der appetite not for tarts."

Roblar winces.

Cryheart nods at Goldstr.

Andalusain just left.

Roelaren smiles at Goldstr.

Svantai smiles at Goldstr.

Forestall turns towards Barzillia and renders a sharp hand salute.

Cryheart nods at Falvicar.

Maags nods slowly at Goldstr.

Bristenn nods in agreement at Goldstr.

Goldstr exclaims, "He may be meetin me blade Honor!"

Barzillia smiles at Forestall.

Maags grins.

Roelaren smiles at Goldstr.

Roblar deeply says, "Headin to Mule, t'anks for da tour an teachins."

Khristal raises an eyebrow.

Roblar grins.

Roblar deeply says, "Second tour."

Maags says, "Right in the vocal chords."

Falvicar quietly says, "Everybody can come and are invited."

Cryheart asks, "Oh..the commune to Lord Ronan will begin in about 15 to 30 minutes?"

Roblar coughs.

Falvicar nods at Cryheart.

Cryheart glances at Falvicar.

Balantine bows to Roblar.

Cryheart nods.

Barzillia bows to Roblar.

Roblar grunts in tribute to Balantine as he bangs his fist sharply upon his rolaren plated armor in a barbaric salute.

Cryheart bows to Roblar.

Goldstr begins chuckling at Svantai!

Falvicar quietly says, "Aye."

Cryheart grins at Roblar.

Roblar's fingers briefly touch his blackened warhelm as he renders a casual salute to Cryheart.

Roelaren hugs Roblar.

[Gryphon Holding, Great Hall]
A light draft stirs the banners draped overhead, each measure of silk representing a knight of the Order. Dominating the room is a massive oak table with a dozen tall chairs around it. Three smaller tables are set up in an alcove off the eastern wall for more private gatherings. Elaborate figurines of former members line the mantle of a huge fireplace set at the far end of the room. Flanking the hearth, floor-to-ceiling shelves hold a wide selection of reading material and ancient tomes. You also see the Forestall disk, the Balantine disk, a wooden ladder and a newel staircase. Also here: Lord Forestall who is sitting, Barzillia, Lady Khristal, Goldstr who is sitting, High Lord Falvicar who is sitting, Lord Balantine, Dame Deavon, Grand Lady Cinabar, Mynon, Maretta who is sitting, Sir Bristenn, Mohrgan who is sitting, Maags, Roblar, Riend, Svantai who is sitting, High Lady Roelaren, Sir Cryheart
Obvious exits: none

Speaking to Goldstr, Bristenn admits, "There is a reason I don't stay for his antics and saucy ballads and that. Rather churlish man and such."

Roblar hugs Roelaren, who wraps him in a warm embrace.

Falvicar quietly says, "When Katiesa is ready."

Roblar's fingers briefly touch his blackened warhelm as he renders a casual salute to Barzillia.

Cryheart nods at Falvicar.

Mohrgan stands up.

Roelaren agrees with Bristenn.

Roblar surveys the area.

Barzillia smiles.

Roblar deeply says, "Too many."

Roblar grins.

Falvicar quietly says, "The Shore's shrine."

Roblar deeply exclaims, "Bye all!"

Falvicar nods.

Maags waves to Roblar.

Goldstr asks, "Ronan's Shrine near da gremlins?"

Cryheart waves to Roblar.

Cryheart says, "Thanks for coming."

Goldstr waves to Roblar.

Maags says, "Be safe up the hill."

Falvicar nods at Goldstr.

(Mohrgan clasps arms with Cryheart, nodding respectfully at the assembled members of the Order, each in turn.)

Roelaren gives Maags a friendly hug.

Maretta evenly asks, "Is that the man who hit on me the minute I stepped foot on the porch?"

Maags hugs Roelaren, who wraps her in a warm embrace.

Cryheart says, "Stairs...door..arch..then port."

Cryheart nods at Roblar.

Roelaren curtsies to Cryheart.

Falvicar stands up.

Cryheart bows to Roelaren.

Roelaren gives Cryheart a friendly hug.

Falvicar takes the edge of his spidersilk cape and holds it out, as he bows low in a courtly fashion.

Cryheart hugs Roelaren, who wraps him in a warm embrace.

Roblar nods.

Bristenn nods once at Maretta.

Cryheart says, "Thanks for coming."

Goldstr nods at Maretta.

Roblar whistles tunelessly to himself.

Bristenn bows respectfully, his eyes fixed firmly on the ground.

Roblar just went down a newel staircase.

Roelaren says, "Thahk ye so much for inviting us."

Roelaren smiles at Cryheart.

Cryheart bows.

Cryheart says, "Welcome."

Cryheart smiles.

Bristenn kindly concedes, "Our thanks for having us, Sir Cryheart, Silver Gryphons."

Cryheart bows to Bristenn.

Falvicar quietly asks, "Shall we, my Blade brother?"

Falvicar peers quizzically at Mohrgan.

Khristal nods.

Maags says, "YEs thank yous for the invitation. was interesting."

Cryheart says, "Thank ye Sir Bristenn."

Goldstr says, "I sees dose goin at Ronan's shrine."

Khristal waves.

Maretta disgustedly says, "Ugh! Even that giantkin with the obscene sheath is a step up."

Lady Khristal just went down a newel staircase.

Cryheart smiles.

Goldstr grins at Maretta.

Speaking to Bristenn, you say, "You should come and visit with us here now and again."

Bristenn nods graciously to you.

Mohrgan respectfully says, "Thank you, for once more hosting a discussion on your virtues. Ever has the Order held itself as a beacon to be aspired to."

Cryheart bows to Mohrgan.

Cryheart says, "Thank ye."

Maags smiles at Mohrgan.

Goldstr turns towards Mohrgan and renders a sharp hand salute.

Cryheart nods at Roelaren.

Roelaren smiles at Cryheart.

Roelaren says, "Thank ye."

Cryheart grins at Roelaren.