Order of the Silver Gryphon - Honor and Courage Forum

[Abandoned Holding, First Floor]
Unadorned stone walls and narrow windows leave this room rather stark and austere. However, the fireplace that fills most of the north wall has a cheerful fire burning in it, and the large oak table and benches that stand in the center of the room appear to be polished and new. You also see the Gilleabart disk, the green Dakutora disk and a varnished maoral cart with some stuff on it.
Also here: Metier, Femereff, Princess Toy, Ichiko, Koleph, Arklow, Deavon, Chronin, Damina, Lord Gilleabart, Lady Dakutora, Aydan, Lady Sarjakaje, Daiven, Donnel, Yviara, Matti who is sitting, Cryheart, Ruffelin, Pomic, Shirkon, Diynasta, Vaktof who is sitting, Morgiest
Obvious exits: none

Cryheart asks, "Dame Deavon, you want to begin?"

Cryheart and Ruffelin bash their forearms in greeting.

Mourdeyan and Ruffelin bash their forearms in greeting.

Vaktof casually observes his surroundings.

Cryheart says, "Oh..I already did.", and starts chortling.

Ruffelin grins.

Vaktof sits down and tries to tinker with a varnished maoral cart, then gazes stupidly at his surroundings.

Cryheart says, "We hae a few members who are present, who were officially knighted by Baron Malwind, and a few by Earl Jovery. If you are able to attend the court in Solhaven."

Cryheart says, "We have Dame Deavon, Sir Morgiest, Sir Ruffelin, Dame Yviara. We have Lord Shirkon, Lord Pomic, Lord Koleph, Lady Mourdeyan."

Deavon kisses Ruffelin on the cheek.

Ruffelin grins at Deavon.

Pomic grins.

Gilleabart takes a drink from his well aged whiskey. Lines of worry smooth, and he visibly relaxes.

Gilleabart put a shot of well aged whiskey in his black miner pack.

Deavon takes a bite of her grilled lamb chop

Dakutora takes a drink from her savory tomato stew.

Yviara smiles at Cryheart.

Pomic points at Cryheart.

Pomic grins.

Deavon says, "Sir Yarx... somewhere."

Morgiest deeply says, "An Sir Cryheart tha 'umble."

Deavon chuckles.

Mourdeyan smiles.

Cryheart grins at Morgiest.

Cryheart pants.

Matti sits down.

Speaking to Cryheart, Toy says, "You have a royal chef as well, it seems."

Koleph grins at Cryheart.

Donnel takes a drink from his dark ale.

Toy points at a breast of wine-soaked chicken on a varnished maoral cart.

Pomic smiles.

Morgiest deeply says, "We be well fed aye."

Toy says, "That looks delectable."

Cryheart says, "We hae Sir Eahlstan who is not present."
Cryheart says, "We hae squire Metier, who is squire to Lord Murgin."
Cryheart says, "I see no one else present in the crowd."
Cryheart gazes in wonder at his surroundings.
Cryheart says, "We hae a few who are not present.

Morgiest is admiring himself again.

Ruffelin grins.

Dakutora helps herself to a breast of wine-soaked chicken.

Toy smiles at Metier.

Pomic nods.

Metier gives Toy a quick little smooch.

Cryheart says, "Lord Kriztian, Sir Kinshack, Lord Metadi, Lord Murgin...."

Ruffelin gives Metier a friendly hug.

Ruffelin grins.

Chronin helps himself to a breast of wine-soaked chicken.

Metier leans on Ruffelin.

Shirkon deeply says, "An a couples we still holds der ta our hearts."

Ruffelin chuckles.

Cryheart nods to Shirkon.

Cryheart grins

Mourdeyan nods.

Chronin slips a mint and dark chocolate bar into an inner pocket of his a fitted black linen longcoat.

Cryheart says, "Indeed."

Shirkon deeply says, "Dame Wanton an Lady Galadriel."

Cryheart gazes heavenward.

Cryheart sighs.

Shirkon deeply says, "Em is always wids us."

Pomic nods to Shirkon.

Vaktof casually observes his surroundings.

Cryheart says, "Now, most of us are warriors...but we hae had friends of the Order who were not warriors..."

Cryheart says, "And recently, we have agreed to take on Paladins and Clerics into the Order."

Shirkon takes a drink from his dwarven stout.

Dakutora ponders.

Cryheart says, "So, we are opening our arms...wider."

Cryheart grins.

Aydan smiles slightly.

Deavon says, "Errick was a rogue."

Cryheart nods to Deavon.

Cryheart says, "Lady Gilwen ."

Cryheart says, "And her male escort."

Cryheart grins.

Deavon coughs.

Mourdeyan blinks.

Morgiest laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.

Donnel raises an eyebrow.

Cryheart grins.

Mourdeyan blinks.

Daiven frowns.

Cryheart says, "Any folks...welcome to the Holding."

Donnel furrows his brow.

Donnel takes a drink from his dark ale.

Cryheart grins at you.

Dakutora serenely asks, "So I take it those who tend towards magics aren't part of the order?"

You try hard not to grin.

Dakutora babbles something unintelligible.

Cryheart says, "Not as full members...but we do have establish friends of the Order."

Dakutora serenely says, "And I speak too slowly it seems."

Morgiest deeply says, "Tha be correct. They are nae members."

Dakutora nods.

Cryheart says, "You hae to recall, that this Order was originally founded for warriors."

Cryheart says, "Eons ago."

Dakutora serenely says, "Well I have never heard of it untill tonight."

Cryheart nods to Dakutora.

Dakutora shrugs.

Shirkon blinks.

Cryheart says, "Many hae not."

Aydan leans softly against Damina.

Dakutora serenely says, "So my knowlege is quite limited."

Morgiest deeply says, "Back in tha dark ages, when Sir Cryheart were merely auld..."

Ruffelin chuckles.

Cryheart says, "Child."

Cryheart grins.

Pomic chuckles.

Mourdeyan says, "we have recently begun to allow Paladins and clerics as squires...though none are full members yet

Deavon begins chuckling at Morgiest!

Shirkon deeply says, "An when Welan were runnin da Militia."

Damina leans softly against Aydan.

Mourdeyan smiles at Dakutora.

Yviara says, "For many a year it was kept secret for political reasons."

Cryheart says, "I was hunting greater orcs...and this great lord offered to help me."

Pomic nods to Yviara.

Dakutora nods.

Cryheart points at Ruffelin.

Cryheart says, "My mentor folks."

Ruffelin chuckles.

Pomic smiles at Ruffelin.

Donnel says, "That certainly makes sense."

Daiven smiles at Ruffelin.

Vaktof casually observes his surroundings.

Shirkon takes a drink from his dwarven stout.

Cryheart says, "Eventually, after observing me for some time...he approached me and asked me about joining him for a meeting with the Gryphons."

Cryheart asks, "And I think I responded...the what?"

Pomic takes a bite of his grilled lamb chop.

Cryheart smiles at Ruffelin.

Aydan chuckles.

Mourdeyan smiles.

Ruffelin says, "Mentor'd 'im, though 'e outfought me an' I actually ended up learnin' frae 'im."

Dakutora grins.

Ruffelin flashes a wide grin.

Daiven chuckles.

Pomic grins at Ruffelin.

Cryheart says, "We..anyway that is how we choose members..."

Shirkon deeply says, "I thinks we has all learned things froms each uddah ats times as wells."

Ruffelin nods to Shirkon.

You agree with Shirkon.

Cryheart says, "We observe..and those who adhere to what we think is chivalric...we offer them to join us for a meeting at least."

Cryheart nods to Shirkon.

Cryheart says, "Indeed."

Cryheart says, "Anyway..thank ye for attending our discussion on honor and courage....."

Ruffelin pours himself a stein of dwarven stout.

Vaktof looks about with a puzzled _expression on his face.

Cryheart says, "We shall begin with speaking, then we will allow ye to discuss about honor and courage."

Ruffelin, Ichiko, Dakutora, Koleph, Damina, Donnel, Deavon, Cryheart, Sarjakaje, and Morgiest sit down.

Cryheart says, "Please feel free to take refreshments while we discuss."

Shirkon, Deavon, and Yviara lean against a large fireplace.

Cryheart turns to face Shirkon.

Shirkon smiles.

Deavon glances at Shirkon.

Ruffelin grins at Deavon.

Cryheart bows to Shirkon.

Deavon mutters under her breath.

Aydan sits down near Damina.

Shirkon deeply says, "Evenin ta ya alls."

Cryheart says, "Lord Shirkon is going to get us going ."

Damina leans softly against Aydan.

Shirkon deeply says, "Opps, tooks Deavon's spot."

Cryheart throws the edge of his black cloak over his shoulder nonchalantly.

Donnel takes a drink from his dark ale.

Shirkon leans against a polished oak table.

Cryheart put a white chocolate treat shaped like a war griffin carrying a harp-bearing lass by one foot in his black cloak.

Cryheart wraps his cloak tightly about himself.

Femereff sits down near Metier.

Pomic takes a bite of his grilled lamb chop.

Cryheart helps himself to a breast of wine-soaked chicken.

Shirkon deeply says, "Honah be what I gonna talks bouts."

Yarx just came through a trapdoor.

Cryheart takes a bite of his wine-soaked chicken.

Morgiest leans against a trapdoor.

Yarx sits down.

Cryheart says, "Oh..here be Sir Yarx."

Gilleabart sits down.

You ask, "How is it?"

Matti hugs Yarx.

Yarx says, "Good evening everyone."

Daiven bows deeply at the waist, honoring Yarx.

Yarx hugs Matti.

Dakutora takes a bite of her wine-soaked chicken.

Pomic nods to Yarx in greeting.

Deavon gives Yarx a quick little smooch.

Morgiest deeply says, "Evenin Sirt Yarx."

Daiven sits down.

Ruffelin nods to Yarx in greeting.

Dakutora serenely says, "Good eve."

Mourdeyan scoots over to Pomic.

Yarx grins.

Yarx stands up.

Morgiest inhales deeply upon his pipe, puckering his lips and sending out two rings of smoke before him briefly.

Yarx bows to Ruffelin.

Yarx nods to Daiven.

Mourdeyan asks, "Chop anna good?"

Yarx sits down.

Shirkon deeply says, "Each one o' us has our own definition o' honah an our own code fer its."

Ruffelin says, "Dinnae be bowin' ta me, lad."

Yarx put a small wooden carton in his vruul skin satchel.

Ruffelin just nudged Yarx.

Ruffelin grins.

Vaktof idly picks at a piece of raw lamb chop.

Speaking to Cryheart, Toy asks, "May I try the chicken, please?"

Ruffelin takes a drink from his dwarven stout.

Cryheart nods to Toy.

Yarx says, "Then consider it was my plant bowing."

Deavon takes a bite of her grilled lamb chop.

Ruffelin chuckles.

Cryheart begins chuckling at Yarx!

Mourdeyan helps herself to a breast of wine-soaked chicken.

Daiven turns an inquisitive ear towards Shirkon.

Shirkon deeply says, "How ya defines it ain'ts important as how ya shows it ter da werld."

Toy put a laje banded pink tower shield in her bleached white smock.

Ruffelin nods to Shirkon.

Metier helps himself to a breast of wine-soaked chicken.

Metier offers Toy a breast of wine-soaked chicken.

Speaking to Metier, Toy says, "Thank you, I didn't want to tackle that myself."

Toy smiles.

Pomic takes a bite of his grilled lamb chop.

Vaktof scoots over to Diynasta.

Toy accepts Metier's wine-soaked chicken.

Metier tinkers with Toy's appearance.

Dakutora takes a bite of her wine-soaked chicken.

Cryheart takes a bite of his wine-soaked chicken.

Toy put a mint and dark chocolate bar in her leather-handled tote.

Toy grins at Metier.

Diynasta pulls Vaktof to his feet.

Diynasta says, "Oops."

Toy takes a bite of her wine-soaked chicken.

Diynasta dusts Vaktof off.

Vaktof starts chortling.

Diynasta sits down.

Vaktof trudges up behind Diynasta.

Toy says, "It's quite delightful."

Pomic takes a bite of his grilled lamb chop.

Koleph pours himself a stein of dwarven stout.

Cryheart nods to Toy.

Shirkon deeply asks, "Kin somes o' ya tells me what ya thinks heps constitutes honah?"

Koleph takes a drink from his dwarven stout.

Cryheart raises his hand.

Morgiest raises his hand.

Aydan raises his hand.

Shirkon nods to Cryheart.

Cryheart stands up and bows.

Toy turns an inquisitive ear towards Cryheart.

Mourdeyan pours herself a shot of well aged whiskey.

Cryheart says, "Honor is having high regard or respect from others...or society..."

Shirkon nods.

Shirkon deeply says, "Good point."

Shirkon deeply asks, "Morgiest?"

Cryheart says, "Being honorable...is being worthy of having honor."

Cryheart sits down.

Gilleabart raises his hand.

Morgiest stands up.

Femereff grins at Toy.

Cryheart takes a bite of his wine-soaked chicken.

Mourdeyan raises her hand.

Toy nods to Femereff.

Femereff nods to Toy.

Morgiest deeply says, "Aye. As Sir Cryheart stated, thar be a difference tween honor, an honorable. Baron Hochstib had honor, 'e were a Baron... But he wasnae honorable."

Morgiest sits down.

Shirkon deeply asks, "Aydan?"

Aydan stands up.

Vaktof slowly says, "Honor is the self-perception or moral identity of an individual or of a group."

Aydan says, "I believe honor requires integrity."

Shirkon nods.

Aydan says, "And you must strive to maintain that integrity."

Xanith just came through a trapdoor.

Xanith sits down.

Donnel agrees with Aydan.

Shirkon deeply asks, "Gilleabart?"

Aydan sits down.

Damina smiles at Aydan.

Xanith leans on Deavon, giving her a companionable grin.

Deavon gives Xanith a quick little smooch.

Gilleabart says, "Honor, i' me opinion, is th' e'er present goal tha' ye strive tae attain, when ye seek t'do wha' be guid an' just frae nae ainly yersel', but those aboon ye."

Gilleabart says, "T'do wha' ye can t'help others, e'en when 'tis nae convenient t'ye."

Sarjakaje smiles at Gilleabart.

Matti nods to Gilleabart.

Mourdeyan nods to Gilleabart.

Shirkon deeply asks, "Mourdeyan?"

Toy agrees with Gilleabart.

Vaktof slowly says, "Honor appears to have declined in importance in the landing."

Sarjakaje nods to Vaktof.

Mourdeyan says, "Honor can be demanded, but never taken, nor stolen."

Dakutora agrees with Vaktof.

Toy looks thoughtfully at Vaktof.

Deavon takes a bite of her grilled lamb chop.

Morgiest ponders.

Shirkon deeply says, "All good points an I must agrees wids ya Vaktof."

Deavon says, "Honor sometimes requires that you put your lord liege and duty before yourself, your needs, and your ego."

Matti says, "Some in Lamding make it seem so."

Cryheart nods.

Donnel says, "One reason why an organization such as this is needed here."

Shirkon deeply says, "Honah is lackin in da Landin."

Pomic removes a cherry stemmed pipe covered with mithril runes from in his leather tobacco pouch.

Cryheart takes a bite of his wine-soaked chicken.

Toy says, "I dunno. In any case, mentioning the negative is not doin' anything towards resolving it."

Cryheart pours himself a stein of dark ale.

Vaktof slowly says, "It addes to discussion."

Cryheart takes a drink from his dark ale.

Ruffelin nods to Donnel.

Morgiest raises his hand.

Diynasta nods to Vaktof.

Diynasta smiles at Vaktof.

Shirkon deeply says, "Leads by example."

Deavon put a tin plate on a polished oak table.

Toy shrugs.

Pomic takes a bite of his grilled lamb chop.

Gilleabart nods to Shirkon.

Sarjakaje ponders.

Mourdeyan takes a bite of your wine-soaked chicken.

Toy nods to Shirkon.

Shirkon deeply says, "Ya canna makes anyone behave honahably."

Sarjakaje sighs.

Shirkon deeply says, "Go aheads Morgie."

Mourdeyan says, "S'truth."

Deavon nods to Shirkon.

Matti raises her hand.

Morgiest stands up.

Sarjakaje says, "Unfortnaltly that is too true."

Vaktof slowly says, "But many people mistake credibility with honor, in that you know of a person, who might be well liked, so in your mind, they must be honorable."

Toy says, "Very true, and a good philosophy."

Cryheart nods to Sarjakaje.

Morgiest deeply says, "Honor, is culture specific. What ye all speak o' be whats considered honorable in these parts..."

Shirkon nods.

Cryheart takes a bite of his wine-soaked chicken.

Cryheart nods to Morgiest.

Morgiest deeply says, "In other lands, quite tha opposite kin be true."

Morgiest sits down.

Shirkon deeply says, "Honah is insides ya, a thing ya shows ta da werld."

Deavon says, "Let's be careful not to equate honor and an air of self-entitlement."

Deavon smiles at Morgiest.

Donnel tilts his dark ale side to side, making the light play off it.

Mourdeyan raises an eyebrow, her silver ring only enhancing her skeptical look.

Cryheart takes a drink from his dark ale.

Chronin quietly says, "My mentor always told me.. Honor is a word, your actions, or lack there of, determine it's meaning."."

Morgiest deeply says, "Oh nae, fer from it Dame Deavon, honor is somethin granted a sulture, er society."

Gilleabart nods to Chronin.

Vaktof slowly asks, "Are we speaking of chivalry, or honor?"

Shirkon deeply says, "Dem what has a code an follows it has honah, even iffin it ain'ts zactly what ya personally woulds calls honah."

Deavon asks, "Hmm... how so? What culture or society is granted honor without demonstration?"

Deavon raises an eyebrow.

Cryheart says, "Good question."

Gilleabart pours himself a shot of well aged whiskey.

Vaktof slowly says, "Virtues, which courage is one."

Cryheart nods to Vaktof.

Gilleabart takes a drink from his well aged whiskey.

Cryheart nods to Deavon.

Vaktof slowly says, "Justice, mercy."

Toy says, "Honor is honor. Cultural customs representing it can vary greatly."

Vaktof slowly says, "Generosity."

Morgiest deeply says, "A person may be honorable, an n'er be recognized, n'er be honored..."

Vaktof slowly says, "Faith."

Pomic takes a bite of his grilled lamb chop.

Toy says, "Too true."

Cryheart raises his hand.

Pomic takes a bite of his grilled lamb chop.

Shirkon deeply says, "Dem is all parts o' a code what kin leads a body ta what we considah honah."

Aydan raises his hand.

Shirkon points at Cryheart.

Cryheart stands up.

Damina leans forward and rests her chin in her hand, a thoughtful _expression on her face.

Cryheart says, "A good point has been made....."

Deavon asks, "You speak merely of differing definitions for honorability... but honor should never be granted just because someone is, say, Ta'Illistim elven... or dwarven, hmm?"

Gilleabart says, "M'laird Morgiest...one need nae be recognized as honorable t'be honorable. Tis nae aboon others kennin' ye be honorable, but whether ye ken. If others recognize it, 'tis ae bonus...an' ae reward frae yer actions."

(Gilleabart bows his head, blushing for having blurted out.)

Cryheart says, "Chivalry, but that honor is bestowed through demonstration..by example."

Pomic lights his cherry-stemmed pipe, placing it to his lips to take a contented puff as some amber tendrils of fragrant smoke rise up about him.

Morgiest deeply says, "Honor is nae somethin ye kin grant yerself. But leadin an honorable life kin lead ye tae great honor."

Pomic nods to Cryheart.

Pomic raises his hand.

Cryheart says, "Honorable..is being worthy of having honor."

Cryheart sits down.

Vaktof grins wryly.

Shirkon deeply says, "Matti hads sumthin."

Matti asks, "Can you kin make people honorable, not by force, but by bein kind to em and make em wanna be good to you?"

Deavon nods to Matti.

Gilleabart nods to Matti.

Femereff wrestles with her platinum mold, and a dark chocolate treat shaped like a war griffin carrying a harp-bearing lass by one foot pops out in her hand!

Cryheart takes a bite of his wine-soaked chicken.

Cryheart takes a bite of his wine-soaked chicken.

Cryheart smacks his lips.

Mourdeyan raises your hand.

Vaktof slowly says, "Still, honor maybe in the eye of the beholder."

Dakutora takes a bite of her wine-soaked chicken.

Cryheart takes a drink from his dark ale.

Matti says, "I would like to see that more in Landing then."

Shirkon deeply says, "Bein a example fer dem ta follows, yes, but ya canna makes em follow ya example."

Femereff offers Toy a dark chocolate treat shaped like a war griffin carrying a harp-bearing lass by one foot.

Toy says, "And good, is not always honorable, and vice versa."

Toy accepts Femereff's dark chocolate treat.

Mourdeyan nods to Toy in agreement.

Matti says, "Cannot force but ya kin coax."

Mourdeyan hangs her head.

Vaktof slowly says, "And what about courage."

Shirkon nods to Matti.

Pomic says, "I'd say fer me Honor is largely the attainment of virtue with yourself and through others. Da best way ta conduct ya self Honorably is to learn and understand virtue."

Toy gazes thoughtfully at her dark chocolate treat.

Vaktof slowly says, "Some call courage simpley a lack of fear."

Aydan raises his hand.

Cryheart grins.

Cryheart says, "Just a moment folks."

Vaktof starts chortling.

Daiven nods to Pomic.

Pomic says, "As pointed out, Virtue may be relative as well."

Speaking to Femereff, Toy says, "This is an exquisite treat, I almost don't want to eat it. Almost."

Pomic grins.

Pomic coughs.

Toy gobbles down a big bite of her dark chocolate treat.

Shirkon deeply says, "Ya canna takes honah yerselfs, it must be gived ta ya by uddahs."

Femereff grins at Toy.

Pomic nods to Shirkon.

Toy takes a bite of her dark chocolate treat.

Toy removes a hemstitched pale pink napkin from in her concoctions case.

Cryheart nods.

Donnel quietly says, "One cannot have courage without knowing fear."

Donnel takes a drink from his dark ale.

Toy puckers up and blows a kiss at a hemstitched pale pink napkin in her hand.

Donnel sniffs.

Donnel stands up.

Deavon gazes heavenward.

Cryheart says, "Ok..so let us speak up about courage."

Cryheart stands up.

Vaktof slowly says, "Not just any fear can make courage."

Cryheart asks, "What is courage?"

Toy puckers her lips and makes a sloppy smooching sound at her pale pink napkin.

Shirkon raises his hand.

Gilleabart raises his hand.

Donnel pours himself a stein of dark ale.

Sarjakaje says, "ONe can act honorably but others besotow the title of honorable upon you."

Cryheart says, "One who is courageous I feel..acts even despite fear."

Cryheart says, "That is indeed courage."

Donnel put a pewter stein in his black canvas backpack.

Speaking to Femereff, Toy says, "A bit messy when it melts."

Diynasta begins to breathe less deeply.

Toy blushes a delicate shade of pale pink.

Donnel agrees with Cryheart.

Donnel sits down.

Vaktof slowly says, "A courageous person overcomes a justifiable fear for a noble purpose, anything less is foolhardy."

Cryheart says, "Ask some of my squires who hae to fight a nasty critter without armor."

Cryheart smiles.

Cryheart nods to Shirkon.

Toy carefully rubs her hands and face with her pale pink napkin.

Toy put a hemstitched pale pink napkin in her concoctions case.

Koleph blinks at Cryheart.

Koleph stares off into space.

Shirkon deeply says, "Knowin dat ya goin inta dangah, but goin regardless fer da savin o' uddahs."

Ruffelin takes a drink from his dwarven stout.

Shirkon sits down.

Gilleabart says, "I think 'tis further'n tha'."

Toy nods to Shirkon.

Donnel helps himself to some sharp Mestanir cheese cut into cubes.

Mourdeyan gazes thoughtfully at the wine-soaked chicken.

Pomic puffs rapidly on his cherry-stemmed pipe, some amber wisps of fragrant ginger-scented smoke dancing about him.

Cryheart nods to Shirkon.

Cryheart nods to Gilleabart.

Donnel takes a bite of his Mestanir cheese.

Gilleabart says, "Courage be nae chust in battle. 'tis when ye hae ae fear...anna fear..."

Metier removes a hammered silvery wall shield from in his spidersilk cloak.

You agree with Gilleabart.

Shirkon nods.

Metier shows Cryheart his silvery wall shield.

Cryheart nods to Gilleabart.

Gilleabart says, "Can be of heights...or drownin'..."

Sarjakaje ponders.

Cryheart grins at Metier.

Mourdeyan nods to Gilleabart in agreement.

Metier put a hammered silvery wall shield in his spidersilk cloak.

Sarjakaje smiles at Gilleabart.

Cryheart says, "Indeed."

Donnel nods to Gilleabart.

Gilleabart says, "An' despite tha' fear...standin' up an' facin' it...rather than hidin' frae it."

Cryheart takes a drink from his dark ale.

Toy helps herself to a mint and dark chocolate bar.

Gilleabart says, "I confess..."

Mourdeyan dusts herself off.

Donnel raises an eyebrow.

Gilleabart says, "There aire times I am nae verra brave."

Shirkon takes a drink from his dwarven stout.

Gilleabart says, "Bu' I keep tryin'."

Chronin slips a breast of wine-soaked chicken into an inner pocket of his a fitted black linen longcoat.

Matti gives Gilleabart a friendly hug.

Cryheart nods to Gilleabart.

Chronin helps himself to an herb-filled flaky puff pastry.

Gilleabart says, "An' tha'...also is courage, I believe."

Donnel takes a bite of his Mestanir cheese.

Dakutora takes a bite of her wine-soaked chicken.

Shirkon deeply says, "We has all hads times likes dats."

Ruffelin smiles at Gilleabart.

Sarjakaje says, "To overcome a fear in order to serve another would be courageous."

Mourdeyan raises her hand.

Aydan raises his hand.

Toy whispers something to Chronin.

Cryheart says, "I tell ye..facing those oculoths..and some demons, my heart raced a bit."

Vaktof slowly asks, "To serve another?"

Arklow seems to lose an aura of confidence.

Dakutora no longer bristles with energy.

Cryheart nods to you.

Vaktof scoffs.

Sarjakaje says, "I am a healer ."

Ruffelin nods to Sarjakaje.

Sarjakaje shrugs.

Mourdeyan says, "To serve others."

Sarjakaje nods to Mourdeyan.

Shirkon deeply says, "Goin inta da Dark Temple were one da times I jist knowed I were gonna dies."

Shirkon deeply says, "Still wents doh."

Sarjakaje smiles at Mourdeyan.

Cryheart nods.

Vaktof slowly says, "Maybe to serve a noble cause, but to serve others, I'd think your courage comes from the fear of the others."

Matti smiles at you.

Mourdeyan says, "To leave all you know to go to battle in defense of anothers home."

Cryheart rubs his emerald hair ribbon.

Mourdeyan says, "To face anything not knowing the outcome."

Cryheart gazes heavenward.

Deavon grins at Cryheart.

Vaktof slowly says, "That would be a noble purpose."

Cryheart mutters courage.

Cryheart nods to Deavon.

Shirkon chuckles.

Mourdeyan says, "There are manty things worse than death."

Shirkon pokes Cryheart in the ribs.

Cryheart says, "Indeed."

Mourdeyan says, "That are proof of courage."

Cryheart gazes heavenward.

Vaktof slowly says, "But to face anything without knowledge of the outcome could be concidered recklessness."

Cryheart says, "Well...depends."

Cryheart nods to Vaktof.

Mourdeyan shakes her head.

Cryheart says, "Sometimes you hae a task."

Deavon says, "A noble purpose would likely be not putting me in charge of directions on how to get someplace."

Deavon whistles tunelessly to herself.

Cryheart says, "Sometimes you have a purpose."

Shirkon deeply says, "Courtin a Lady in fronts o' her faddah da most courageous thing Cryheart evah duns."

Cryheart begins chuckling at Deavon!

Metier says, "We face life every single day without knowing the outcome ."

Mourdeyan shrugs.

Ruffelin begins chuckling at Deavon!

Metier shrugs.

Deavon winks at Cryheart.

Gilleabart begins chuckling at Shirkon!

Matti winks at Deavon.

Mourdeyan says, "Depends on your society I suppose."

Cryheart says, "Aye..there are no guarantees in life."

Mourdeyan smiles guilelessly

Donnel grins wryly.

Donnel takes a drink from his dark ale.

Mourdeyan sits down.

Sarjakaje stands up.

Morgiest traces the lines of his symbol of Kai.

Aydan says, "Well, there is courage and there is sheer overconfidence."

Cryheart smiles at Sarjakaje.

Cryheart nods to Aydan.

Gilleabart says, "Or foolishness."

Cryheart says, "That too."

Gilleabart nods to Aydan.

Cryheart nods to Gilleabart.

Gilleabart grins at Cryheart.

Aydan says, "The latter ends up making you a senseless martyr, not someone courageous."

Cryheart says, "Again, courage is the ability to face a task or foe, despite having fear."

Sarjakaje says, "I am afraid I must beg pardon to leave ."

Cryheart says, "In my honest opinion."

Cryheart nods to Sarjakaje.

Ruffelin stands up.

Cryheart says, "Thank ye for coming Lady Sarjakaje."

Donnel agrees with Cryheart.

Aydan nods to Cryheart.

Ruffelin bows to Sarjakaje.

Sarjakaje smiles at Cryheart.

Ichiko gazes heavenward.

Cryheart bows to Sarjakaje.

Sarjakaje curtsies.

Dakutora serenely asks, "Might I leave with you?"

Shirkon deeply says, "Well, I will admits, I has ended ups doin things what now I considahs were due ta ovahconfidence."

Dakutora serenely says, "I am not sure of the way back."

Matti grins at Deavon.

Dakutora grins.

Cryheart nods to Pomic.

Dakutora stands up.

Vaktof chuckles.

Deavon winks at Matti.

Pomic stands up.

Cryheart says, "Join Pomic..he will escort ye out."

Dakutora nods.

Pomic grins.

Dakutora joins Pomic's group.

Sarjakaje smiles.

Sarjakaje joins Pomic's group.

Cryheart smiles.

Pomic's group just went through a trapdoor.

Cryheart says, "And thank ye for coming."

Vaktof slowly exclaims, "Go and live the dream of Honor!"

Vaktof starts chortling.

Ruffelin just came through a trapdoor.

Ruffelin sits down.

Diynasta appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Matti hugs Ruffelin.

Ruffelin hugs Matti.

Cryheart says, "Courage comes in many ways."

Ruffelin chuckles.

Cryheart says, "Does not require a fantastic battle..

Aydan nods to Cryheart.

Deavon says, "Or a lack of fear."

Cryheart nods.

Shirkon deeply says, "Any kind o' self-sacrifice kin be considahed courageous."

Vaktof slowly says, "I suppose."

Morgiest deeply says, "Aye, could be somethin as mundane as comin 'ome at 2am with tha light on in tha kitchen, an tha missus in tha doorway.."

Aydan says, "I was thinking the same thing. Courage is more of the struggle to push yourself to face the task."

Gilleabart glances at Morgiest.

Ruffelin begins chuckling at Morgiest!

Cryheart grins at Morgiest.

Gilleabart says, "Tha' be chust foolish."

Cryheart clasps his hand over his mouth.

Gilleabart grins.

Cryheart appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Shirkon raises his hand.

Toy says, "I find in my daily travels that it seems a lot are looking for recognition in what they do, and what they do is just what is right and nothing more."

Cryheart nods to Shirkon.

Matti grins at Morgiest.

Ruffelin nods to Toy.

Morgiest inhales deeply upon his pipe, puckering his lips and sending out a small stream of smoke before him briefly.

Toy says, "So maybe we need to find more ways to acknowledge the little acts of good."

Vaktof slowly asks, "So do people loose honor in the face of others if they seek out recognition in what they do?"

Morgiest winks at Matti.

Cryheart says, "Courage could be doing something that could be embarrasing."

Pomic just came through a trapdoor.

Pomic sits down.

Shirkon deeply says, "A faddah what has a fatal disease what continues ta werks sa he kin brings home one more days pay be courageous."

Aydan says, "Not necessarily, but it loses its value if they do it because they have to, instead of doing it because they choose to."

Morgiest shakes his head.

Matti nods to Shirkon.

Speaking to Vaktof, Metier says, "If you have to seek praise from another, then it really isn't praise to begin with."

Toy agrees with Shirkon.

Toy nods to Metier.

Cryheart nods.

Shirkon deeply says, "Na seeks praise, but accepts what be givin freely."

Shirkon takes a drink from his dwarven stout.

Shirkon frowns.

Toy says, "And a man who slays a villian in hopes of gaining praise and glory is really not an honorable man, no matter how many lives he saves. In my mind, at any rate."

Morgiest deeply says, "Praise is immaterial..."

Shirkon pours himself a stein of dwarven stout.

Morgiest shrugs.

Mourdeyan raises her hand.

Aydan raises his hand.

Toy whispers something to Chronin.

Cryheart says, "I tell ye..facing those oculoths..and some demons, my heart raced a bit."

Vaktof slowly asks, "To serve another?"

Arklow seems to lose an aura of confidence.

Cryheart nods to Mourdeyan.

Vaktof scoffs.

Mourdeyan stands up.

Sarjakaje says, "I am a healer ."

Ruffelin nods to Sarjakaje.

Sarjakaje shrugs.

Mourdeyan nods to Vaktof.

Mourdeyan says, "To serve others."

Sarjakaje nods to Mourdeyan.

Shirkon deeply says, "Goin inta da Dark Temple were one da times I jist knowed I were gonna dies."

Mourdeyan says, "To be the first woman to serve a group."

Mourdeyan smiles at Matti.

Shirkon deeply says, "Still wents doh."

Sarjakaje smiles at Mourdeyan.

Cryheart nods.

Vaktof slowly says, "Maybe to serve a noble cause, but to serve others, I'd think your courage comes from the fear of the others."

Matti smiles at Mourdeyan.

Mourdeyan says, "To leave all you know to go to battle in defense of anothers home."

Cryheart rubs his emerald hair ribbon.

Mourdeyan says, "To face anything not knowing the outcome."

Cryheart gazes heavenward.

Deavon grins at Cryheart.

Vaktof slowly says, "That would be a noble purpose."

Cryheart mutters courage.

Cryheart nods to Deavon.

Shirkon chuckles.

Mourdeyan says, "There are manty things worse than death."

Shirkon pokes Cryheart in the ribs.

Cryheart says, "Indeed."

Mourdeyan says, "That are proof of courage."

Cryheart gazes heavenward.

Vaktof slowly says, "But to face anything without knowledge of the outcome could be concidered recklessness."

Cryheart says, "Well...depends."

Cryheart nods to Vaktof.

Mourdeyan shakes her head.

Cryheart says, "Sometimes you hae a task."

Deavon says, "A noble purpose would likely be not putting me in charge of directions on how to get someplace."

Deavon whistles tunelessly to herself.

Cryheart says, "Sometimes you have a purpose."

Shirkon deeply says, "Courtin a Lady in fronts o' her faddah da most courageous thing Cryheart evah duns."

Cryheart begins chuckling at Deavon!

Metier says, "We face life every single day without knowing the outcome ."

Mourdeyan shrugs.

Ruffelin begins chuckling at Deavon!

Metier shrugs.

Deavon winks at Cryheart.

Gilleabart begins chuckling at Shirkon!

Matti winks at Deavon.

Mourdeyan says, "Depends on your society I suppose."

Cryheart says, "Aye..there are no guarantees in life."

Mourdeyan smiles guilelessly

Donnel grins wryly.

Donnel takes a drink from his dark ale.

Mourdeyan sits down.

Sarjakaje stands up.

Morgiest traces the lines of his symbol of Kai.

Aydan says, "Well, there is courage and there is sheer overconfidence."

Cryheart smiles at Sarjakaje.

Cryheart nods to Aydan.

Gilleabart says, "Or foolishness."

Cryheart says, "That too."

Gilleabart nods to Aydan.

Cryheart nods to Gilleabart.

Gilleabart grins at Cryheart.

Aydan says, "The latter ends up making you a senseless martyr, not someone courageous."

Cryheart says, "Again, courage is the ability to face a task or foe, despite having fear."

Sarjakaje says, "I am afraid I must beg pardon to leave ."

Cryheart says, "In my honest opinion."

Cryheart nods to Sarjakaje.

Ruffelin stands up.

Cryheart says, "Thank ye for coming Lady Sarjakaje."

Donnel agrees with Cryheart.

Aydan nods to Cryheart.

Ruffelin bows to Sarjakaje.

Sarjakaje smiles at Cryheart.

Ichiko gazes heavenward.

Cryheart bows to Sarjakaje.

Sarjakaje curtsies.

Dakutora serenely asks, "Might I leave with you?"

Shirkon deeply says, "Well, I will admits, I has ended ups doin things what now I considahs were due ta ovahconfidence."

Dakutora serenely says, "I am not sure of the way back."

Matti grins at Deavon.

Dakutora grins.

Cryheart nods to Pomic.

Dakutora stands up.

Vaktof chuckles.

Deavon winks at Matti.

Pomic stands up.

Cryheart says, "Join Pomic..he will escort ye out."

Dakutora nods.

Pomic grins.

Sarjakaje smiles.

Cryheart smiles.

Cryheart says, "And thank ye for coming."

Vaktof slowly exclaims, "Go and live the dream of Honor!"

Vaktof starts chortling.

Ruffelin just came through a trapdoor.

Ruffelin sits down.

Diynasta appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Matti hugs Ruffelin.

Ruffelin hugs Matti.

Cryheart says, "Courage comes in many ways."

Ruffelin chuckles.

Cryheart says, "Does not require a fantastic battle...."

Aydan nods to Cryheart.

Deavon says, "Or a lack of fear."

Cryheart nods.

Shirkon deeply says, "Any kind o' self-sacrifice kin be considahed courageous."

Vaktof slowly says, "I suppose."

Morgiest deeply says, "Aye, could be somethin as mundane as comin 'ome at 2am with tha light on in tha kitchen, an tha missus in tha doorway.."

Aydan says, "I was thinking the same thing. Courage is more of the struggle to push yourself to face the task."

Gilleabart glances at Morgiest.

Ruffelin begins chuckling at Morgiest!

Cryheart grins at Morgiest.

Gilleabart says, "Tha' be chust foolish."

Cryheart clasps his hand over his mouth.

Gilleabart grins.

Cryheart appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Shirkon raises his hand.

Toy says, "I find in my daily travels that it seems a lot are looking for recognition in what they do, and what they do is just what is right and nothing more."

Cryheart nods to Shirkon.

Matti grins at Morgiest.

Ruffelin nods to Toy.

Morgiest inhales deeply upon his pipe, puckering his lips and sending out a small stream of smoke before him briefly.

Toy says, "So maybe we need to find more ways to acknowledge the little acts of good."

Vaktof slowly asks, "So do people loose honor in the face of others if they seek out recognition in what they do?"

Morgiest winks at Matti.

Cryheart says, "Courage could be doing something that could be embarrasing."

Pomic just came through a trapdoor.

Pomic sits down.

Shirkon deeply says, "A faddah what has a fatal disease what continues ta werks sa he kin brings home one more days pay be courageous."

Aydan says, "Not necessarily, but it loses its value if they do it because they have to, instead of doing it because they choose to."

Morgiest shakes his head.

Matti nods to Shirkon.

Speaking to Vaktof, Metier says, "If you have to seek praise from another, then it really isn't praise to begin with."

Toy agrees with Shirkon.

Toy nods to Metier.

Cryheart nods.

Shirkon deeply says, "Na seeks praise, but accepts what be givin freely."

Shirkon takes a drink from his dwarven stout.

Shirkon frowns.

Toy says, "And a man who slays a villian in hopes of gaining praise and glory is really not an honorable man, no matter how many lives he saves. In my mind, at any rate."

Morgiest deeply says, "Praise is immaterial..."

Shirkon pours himself a stein of dwarven stout.

Morgiest shrugs.

Cryheart says, "Having respect for others, without thought for oneself....doing what is necessary."

Chronin agrees with Toy.

Cryheart says, "Honor and courage."

Morgiest deeply says, "Ye do whats right cause it right. Period. Ifin ye praise comes from it should nae matter."

Shirkon deeply says, "Dat be vainglorious."

Ruffelin takes a drink from his dwarven stout.

Metier agrees with Morgiest.

Gilleabart nods to Morgiest.

Vaktof slowly says, "Where does honor play a role in a land of laws, such as in the landing, it is unlawful to murder, yet it could be honorable depending on the situation."

Donnel nods to Morgiest.

Matti says, "Morg, he was speakin of doin stuff to get praise."

Aydan says, "I think a lot of the intended meaning of honor and courage both is lost by comparing it to specific situations. They are both things that do not require a situation to define it."

Cryheart says, "Honor is bestowed by others generally, tis recognition and respect ."

Metier says, "Laws are meant to keep individuals from acting in a dishonorable way, not to promote them to act in an honorable one."

Toy smiles at Metier.

Toy nods.

Shirkon deeply says, "Ta few folks listen an acts as da Ragin Thrak teaches anymores."

Cryheart asks, "The old warrior still there?"

Cryheart smiles.

Speaking to Shirkon, Metier says, "Dern turnip farmers."

Metier nods to Cryheart.

You nod to Cryheart.

Cryheart nods.

Ruffelin says, "Aye, but few seek 'im out."

Cryheart nods.

Koleph takes a drink from his dwarven stout.

Mourdeyan says, "Too busy seekin the boulder."

Cryheart takes a drink from his dark ale.

Aydan says, "There is a bit of humility required too. I could point out that someone did something dishonorable, but the fact remains that I do not know what the person was thinking at the time, what sorts of things pressured the person, and finally, whether I know for certain I would have acted differently were the roles reversed."

Mourdeyan grins wryly.

Morgiest deeply says, "Laws are meant tae keep order. Has nothin tae do with honor."

Toy says, "Many laws were born out of a need to enforce common sense and civil interaction when places become overpopulated to work on a simple "honor system" alone."

Cryheart nods.

Donnel takes a drink from his dark ale.

Toy nods to Morgiest.

Matti says, "Lets not bemoan Landing, many honorable people are doin great things every day, we have cowards and dishonorable everywhere."

Cryheart says, "Law is enforcement of rules of society.....honor is recognition bestowed by society."

Toy nods to Matti.

Metier nods to Matti.

Ruffelin agrees with Matti.

Aydan says, "I could assume many things, but I would be boastful in saying I know for certain I would do something differently."

Cryheart says, "Indeed Lady Matti."

Mourdeyan raises her hand.

Vaktof smacks his lips.

Cryheart nods to Mourdeyan.

Cryheart helps himself to some sharp Mestanir cheese cut into cubes.

Cryheart takes a bite of his Mestanir cheese.

Cryheart blinks.

Cryheart glances at some sharp Mestanir cheese cut into cubes on a varnished maoral cart.

Cryheart says, "Strong."

Pomic says, "I think suffice ta say honor and courage are ultimately relative, but as an organization or a society we have ta strive fer what the greater populace percieves as just."

Toy says, "And as I said, speaking ill of a person or a place does nothing to better it. We can do a lot to improve a place by being the bit of good that tips the scale."

Matti grins.

Cryheart nods to Shirkon.

Speaking to Aydan, Metier says, "Nobody can possibly know what they would do in a certain situation, we don't know what the other individual is thinking, or their motivations. We can only assume that we would act a certain way."

Ruffelin nods to Toy.

Cryheart nods.

Aydan nods to Metier.

Pomic nods to Toy.

Matti agrees with Toy.

Mourdeyan says, "I did somethin I consider horribly dishonorable t'other day, and was all but commended for it by the town fathers...now, the fact that I did it to a MOST dishonorable despicable person, still doesna make it right."

Mourdeyan says, "And it troubles me a great deal."

Mourdeyan frowns.

Speaking to Mourdeyan, Metier asks, "Candor?"

Mourdeyan says, "And I am havin a very hard time...."

Yviara snickers.

Mourdeyan says, "Nay."

Yviara coughs.

Yviara glances at Metier.

Matti rubs you gently.

Mourdeyan glances at Yviara.

Cryheart takes a bite of his Mestanir cheese.

Daiven frowns at Mourdeyan.

Mourdeyan says, "No worry."

Cryheart takes a drink from his dark ale.

Toy put a mint and dark chocolate bar in her leather-handled tote.

Toy takes a bite of her wine-soaked chicken.

Cryheart says, "No one is perfect...chivalry is goals we strive to obtain."

Shirkon deeply says, "Best keeps dat cheese aways froms da dwarf Cryheart."

Toy takes a bite of her wine-soaked chicken.

Cryheart nods to Shirkon.

Pomic nods to Cryheart.

Speaking to Mourdeyan, Metier says, "We all have moments like that. A simple lapse in judgement does not make an individual less honorable."

Aydan says, "That goes along with what I was thinking about integrity, earlier."

Cryheart nods.

Vaktof starts chortling.

Matti nods to Metier.

Toy takes a bite of her wine-soaked chicken.

Aydan says, "Again, there's a bit of humility involved with it too."

Toy smacks her lips.

Mourdeyan says, "It's been dealt with, it seems that within a society, dishonor is dealt with at the same rate of decay as Honor."

Toy blushes a delicate shade of pale pink.

Toy takes a bite of her wine-soaked chicken.

Aydan says, "Especially when a mistake is made that could cause others, or even worse, yourself to question it."

Cryheart helps himself to a peeled starfruit.

Cryheart takes a bite of his peeled starfruit. As Cryheart bites into the starfruit, a dribble of juice runs down his chin.

Koleph takes a drink from his dwarven stout.

Shirkon takes a drink from his dwarven stout.

Toy moves to stand in front of Cryheart.

Cryheart smiles at Toy.

Speaking to Cryheart, Toy asks, "What is that?"

Mourdeyan nods to Aydan.

Mourdeyan quietly says, "Exactly."

Shirkon helps himself to a date-filled slow baked apple.

Cryheart asks, "What is this?"

Cryheart points at a peeled starfruit on a varnished maoral cart.

Shirkon takes a bite of his slow baked apple.

Toy nods to Cryheart.

Cryheart says, "Starfruit."

Speaking to Mourdeyan, Daiven says, "The fact that you feel as you do about such an incident speaks volumes when it comes to honor. A person without such would not worry or think more of what they did, nor would it trouble them further."

Cryheart says, "Delicious."

Aydan says, "Seems as though few will notice an honorable act, but everyone notices a dishonorable one."

Mourdeyan quietly says, "The very ones I try to teach..."

Cryheart nods to Daiven.

Toy asks, "Is it bitter, sour, sweet?"

Ruffelin nods to Daiven.

Toy sits down.

Ruffelin nods to Aydan.

Chronin helps himself to a peeled starfruit.

Donnel says, "Too often."

Donnel nods to Aydan.

Toy takes a bite of her wine-soaked chicken.

Cryheart takes a bite of his peeled starfruit.

Toy takes a bite of her wine-soaked chicken.

Cryheart says, "Sweet."

Cryheart nods to Toy.

Toy smiles at Cryheart.

Donnel takes a drink from his dark ale.

Vaktof gazes stupidly at his surroundings.

Speaking to Cryheart, Toy asks, "Will you select one for me please?"

Cryheart asks, "So...any more thoughts on honor or courage?"

Speaking to Mourdeyan, Aydan says, "If anything, it takes courage to bring yourself to admit the mistake and strive to learn what you can from it, to ensure such a thing may not happen again."

Cryheart takes a bite of his peeled starfruit.

Cryheart takes a bite of his peeled starfruit. As Cryheart bites into the starfruit, a dribble of juice runs down his chin.

Shirkon deeply says, "It all goes ta da fact dat it takes bouts 1000 attaboys ta gits a pat on da back, Aydan, but one mistake kin wipes outs da whole thing."

Cryheart offers Toy a peeled starfruit.

Deavon glances at Cryheart.

Toy grins.

Toy accepts Cryheart's peeled starfruit.

Aydan nods to Shirkon.

Pomic nods to Shirkon.

Pomic says, "Aye."

Toy says, "Thank you."

Morgiest shrugs.

Mourdeyan nods.

Aydan says, "And you can bet someone will remember the one tiny mistake more than they will all the good things in the world."

Mourdeyan chuckles.

Toy takes a bite of her peeled starfruit.

Cryheart grins at Deavon.

Shirkon nods to Aydan.

Toy takes a bite of her peeled starfruit.

Cryheart nods to Aydan.

Toy says, "Very nice."

Pomic puffs rapidly on his cherry-stemmed pipe, some amber wisps of fragrant ginger-scented smoke dancing about him.

Cryheart nods to Toy.

Deavon begins chuckling at Cryheart!

Cryheart winks at Deavon.

Morgiest deeply says, "Ah disagree. Recognition should nae be tha goal o' tha honorable. Ye could be an outcast an still be honorable."

Morgiest deeply says, "Sacrific kin come in many forms."

Gilleabart says, "Aye. Too manna think tha' no guid deed gaes unpunished...nae enow realize tha' e'ery guid deed is its ain reward."

Pomic nods to Morgiest.

Cryheart takes a drink from his dark ale.

Deavon smiles at Gilleabart.

Vaktof slowly says, "I think we all have honor in us, we only choose to show it when it suits us. for the rest of the time, let the tip of our blade make our honor, and let the courageous lay gutted on the side of the road."

Cryheart glances sternly around the room.

Shirkon deeply says, "Na talkin bouts recognition as such Morgiest, but how folks precieves things."

Cryheart rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Cryheart drops a pewter stein.

Toy asks, "I heard a joke to that end once... what was it now?"

Diynasta smiles at Vaktof.

Mourdeyan pours herself a shot of well aged whiskey.

Shirkon deeply says, "Dem mostly ovahlooks da good folks does, but em sure notices da mistakes."

Cryheart says, "Interesting thought, Vaktof."

Cryheart smiles.

Aydan says, "Recognition should not be the goal, I agree, but often is the case that if others question you, especially those close to you, it can cause you to doubt yourself as well."

Morgiest deeply says, "All ahm sayin is someone who be distracted by thoughts a whether others approve o' thier actions may hesitate when tha times comes fer action."

Toy ponders.

Toy's eyes take on a glassy look as she appears to fall into a vivid daydream.

Mourdeyan nods in agreement with Morgiest.

Mourdeyan frowns.

Koleph takes a drink from his dwarven stout.

Speaking to Morgiest, Aydan says, "I think we're hitting the same point."

Aydan grins at Morgiest.

Mourdeyan quietly says, "But forethought save ...regret too sir."

Mourdeyan gazes in awe at the well aged whiskey in her hand.

Shirkon deeply says, "We all craves recognition fer what we does, but na seeks its."

Cryheart says, "Ok..here is a question for ye all......"

Ruffelin takes a drink from his dwarven stout.

Morgiest deeply says, "We learn from our errors Ma'Lady, nae dwell on em."

Donnel raises an eyebrow.

Vaktof turns an inquisitive ear towards Cryheart.

Cryheart says, "My liege, Earl Jovery....tells me to track down a thief....."

Donnel takes a drink from his dark ale.

Cryheart says, "And this is just a hypothetical situation."

Damina leans softly against Aydan.

Daiven turns an inquisitive ear towards Cryheart.

Vaktof agrees with Cryheart.

Vaktof turns an inquisitive ear towards Cryheart.

Shirkon deeply says, "Whew."

Yviara turns an inquisitive ear towards Cryheart.

Cryheart says, "This thief has stolen something valuable to the Empire...."

Mourdeyan takes a drink from her well aged whiskey.

Cryheart says, "But, after tracking down this thief...I find out he had stolen to provide food for his family..being extremely poor...."

Aydan chuckles.

Mourdeyan takes a drink from her well aged whiskey.

Morgiest inhales deeply upon his pipe, puckering his lips and sending out a small stream of smoke before him briefly.

Vaktof slowly exclaims, "You should kill the thief, and care for his family!"

Vaktof claps his hands.

Cryheart says, "So, my dilemma.....is it honor to follow the..."

Cryheart begins chuckling at Vaktof!

Shirkon shakes his head.

Daiven glances at Vaktof.

Cryheart says, "Good point."

Pomic grins at Vaktof.

Gilleabart stares at Vaktof.

Aydan says, "The temple set me on a similar task last week.".

Cryheart says, "The dilemma."

Cryheart nods to Vaktof.

Aydan chuckles.

Yviara says, "You bring him to your leige, who is an honorable man and allow the thief to tell his story to him."

Vaktof slowly says, "Some call it da spoils of war."

Vaktof shrugs.

Speaking to Cryheart, Metier says, "Unfortunately you should always follow your duty, which is to your liege."

Yviara nods to Cryheart.

Donnel takes a drink from his dark ale.

Cryheart asks, "What should I do..honor my liege...or honor his life and situation?"

Metier says, "Unfortunately in that case."

Speaking to Cryheart, Yviara says, "He is after all your leige."

Cryheart asks, "What is honor?"

Cryheart says, "That is my question."

Cryheart smiles.

Daiven says, "Thievery does not necessary require the death of the one who stole."

Metier says, "Your personal beliefs should never interfere with your duty to your liege."

Speaking to Cryheart, Yviara says, "You bring him to your leige, who is an honorable man and allow the thief to tell his story to him."

Gilleabart says, "Purchase th'item frae th'poor man, at ae slightly larger than fair price, so tha' he can provide frae his family, an' bring th'item back t'th' empire, so tha' all aire provided wha' they need."

Shirkon deeply says, "Provides fer da family while ya takes da thief ta da Baron an explains his reasonin."

Aydan says, "The theft must be punished, but nobody is going to stop you from giving of your own wealth to aid the family."

Matti nods to Aydan.

Daiven says, "And justice is not done without compassion."

Cryheart says, "I like the proposals."

Shirkon deeply says, "Aha."

Cryheart says, "This is what I would do....."

Vaktof slowly says, "Or kill off the thief's children, so's he would not have to steal so much to provide from his family."

Shirkon deeply says, "Justice musts always be tempahed by compassion."

Vaktof rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Ruffelin winces.

Metier glances at Vaktof.

Ichiko glances at Vaktof.

Cryheart says, "Apprehend the thief..and take him back to my liege...but also return and provide for the family."

Aydan nods to Cryheart.

Matti says, "Get the theif a good job too."

Cryheart says, "Honor to my liege...but also respect for my beliefs."

Ruffelin nods to Cryheart.

Shirkon nods to Cryheart.

Cryheart asks, "You truly that incorrigible..or just creating a diversion?"

Cryheart smiles at Vaktof.

Vaktof slowly says, "But show me a thief dat NEEDs to steal to provide for his family, honestly in the lands dat we live in."

Daiven says, "Detain the man, bring him back. He must return what he stole or restitution must be paid. His death is not required. You may also speak to the Earl concerning his cirumstances, as it may lead to a means for the man to provide for his family."

Aydan says, "I think, in such an instance, leniency toward the thief would not be at all out of the question."

Pomic asks, "What if ya were able only ta choose between only the two options?"

Vaktof slowly says, "Speaking in terms of the lands we live, and not in general, a thief does not need to provide."

Speaking to Pomic, Metier says, "Then you honor your duty to your liege."

Cryheart says, "Well..I am not the judge..but the executor of my liege's request."

Ichiko says, "A point, if I may.."

Cryheart nods.

Aydan says, "Those who choose to only see two sides to the coin forget the edge."

Pomic says, "Jes fer da sake of debate."

Metier places a gentle kiss on Femereff's lips.

Morgiest deeply says, "It is nae yer duty tae assess his guilt, innocense, er punishment. Its is only yer duty tae return 'im tae yer liege."

Speaking to Vaktof, Daiven says, "Killing should be an option of last restort. Used only when other means are not able to achieve something. And even then should not be undertaken lightly."

Femereff smiles at Metier.

Damina smiles at Aydan.

Cryheart nods.

Vaktof slowly says, "But duty, and honor not da same."

Aydan smiles at Damina.

Pomic says, "If fer whatevr reason ya can apprehend the thief or let him care for his loved ones."

Gilleabart softly asks, "Wha' be more important, though? Th'punishment o' th'man...or more aptly stated, th' blame...or th' return o' th'item?"

Ruffelin bows to Diynasta.

Ruffelin bows to Vaktof.

Cryheart says, "Be well."

Ichiko stands up.

Aydan says, "Well, I suppose they could deny it, but they wouldn't really have anything to base such a denial."

Aydan chuckles.

Cryheart grins.

Speaking to Cryheart, Gilleabart asks, "Wha' classifies ae thief? Ae man who falls once...errs once...in an attempt tae save his family...or a man who repeatedly steals frae th'sake o' his ain gain an' profit?"

Vaktof gazes in wonder at his surroundings.

Gilleabart says, "I canna see th'first as ae thief, bu' as ae desperate man."

Cryheart says, "Depends on the society I would imagine."

Cryheart nods to Gilleabart.

Cryheart says, "Oh.."

Cryheart taps a trapdoor.

Cryheart says, "And go south."

Cryheart says, "Out the door."

Diynasta's group just went through a trapdoor.

Shirkon just closed a trapdoor.

Shirkon takes a bite of his slow baked apple.

Cryheart asks, "Any more thoughts on honor and courage?"

Cryheart says, "If not..feel free to ask any of us about our history or such."

Donnel says, "One cannot simply allow a man to take what he wants from others, regardless of the circumstances. Desperation often brings out the worse in people, but that doesn't mean it should go unpunished."

Aydan says, "I'd think someone who stole once or twice to feed his family isn't quite a thief, but he certainly isn't convincing anyone if he continues to steal instead of seeking a better means to feed his family."

Cryheart nods.

Cryheart says, "Indeed."

Donnel says, "My apologies for speaking out of turn."

Cryheart says, "Tis ok."

Shirkon pokes Deavon in the ribs.

Donnel takes a drink from his dark ale.

Deavon grins at Shirkon.

Pomic asks, "Of course the worst to which people?"

Mourdeyan smiles at you.

Pomic asks, "His family?"

Cryheart glances at a varnished maoral cart.

Cryheart helps himself to an herb-filled flaky puff pastry.

Cryheart takes a bite of his flaky puff pastry.

Shirkon nods to Deavon.

Mourdeyan glances at a tin plate on a polished oak table.

Morgiest frowns.

Damina nods to Aydan.

Yviara appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Speaking to Donnel, Gilleabart asks, "Aye, bu' how much punishment be warranted? Forced t'return th'item, an' ae true show o' remorse...frae ae first offense seems like 'tis enow. Why th'need t'humiliate him as weel? He already feels remorse...kens he were wrong. An' if tha' be th'case...should we say tha' e'eryone who mak's an err, e'en once, must be punished frae it, regardless?"

Pomic helps himself to some sharp Mestanir cheese cut into cubes.

Shirkon deeply asks, "Shoulds I tells da tale o' da flyin flamin dwarf, Cryheart er yer task fer da Baron?"

Morgiest deeply says, "In tha situation Sir Cryheart described yer nae there tae determine punishment. Ye serve a lord who hopefully is an honorable man, otherwise ye shouldnae be servin i'm tae begin with. Ye aprehend 'im, an bring 'im tae yer lord."

Cryheart fidgets.

Cryheart nods to Morgiest.

Daiven nods to Morgiest.

Speaking to Morgiest, Gilleabart asks, "Bu' wha' be more important? Th' apprehension o' th'man or th'return o' th'item?"

Mourdeyan quietly says, "I could tell the story of the great Katana quest."

Gilleabart asks, "Would th'laird be happy wi' th'item back?"

Pomic takes a bite of his Mestanir cheese.

Cryheart says, "If it were my task, I would honor that task..thus my liege."

Donnel agrees with Cryheart.

Cryheart says, "To apprehend the person...and that is all..if that is required of me."

Cryheart says, "Outside that task..there would be nothing to prevent me from providing for his family as I see fit."

Morgiest nods to Cryheart.

Ruffelin nods to Cryheart.

Donnel smiles.

Cryheart smiles.

Speaking to Cryheart, Daiven says, "But that does not mean you are not also able to speak on behalf of the man given his circumstances if you so chose, Sir. So as to see compassion done as well as justice."

Cryheart nods to Daiven.

You see a trapdoor open.

Murgin just came through a trapdoor.

Cryheart says, "Aye."

Aydan says, "The world isn't perfect, but nobody said we couldn't address a few little flaws we notice."

Murgin just closed a trapdoor.

Cryheart and Murgin bash their forearms in greeting.

Murgin sits down.

Ruffelin and Murgin bash their forearms in greeting.

Gilleabart says, "Then I woul' be forced, upon th'granting o' th' task, tae ask which th' Laird true wants. So tha' if I were t'arrive a' th'situation, I'd hae th'lairds blessing t' be more compassionate."

Chronin slips an herb-filled flaky puff pastry into an inner pocket of his a fitted black linen longcoat.

Shirkon leans on Murgin, giving him a companionable grin.

Pomic and Murgin bash their forearms in greeting.

Daiven says, "Duty to your liege should be done, but it is not mean to be done blindly."

Morgiest deeply says, "Or speakin tae yer Lord in 'is behalf... Or tellin yer Lord that ye will take 'im on as a page tae keep 'im outta trouble."

Murgin joins Cryheart's group.

Cryheart nods.

Shirkon deeply says, "Here da short Gryphon."

Morgiest deeply says, "But yer there tae apprehend 'im."

Mourdeyan and Murgin bash their forearms in greeting.

Cryheart begins chortling at Shirkon.

Gilleabart says, "Nae if I ask if he wishes me t'apprehend him OR retrieve th'item."

Cryheart nods to Gilleabart.

Daiven says, "If the task given is not just, if it is not morally right, then it falls to you to take action to correct that."

Pomic takes a bite of his Mestanir cheese.

Gilleabart says, "An' when th'laird phrased th'request, I would find it me duty t'hae him clarify on tha' point."

Morgiest deeply says, "Lord Gilleabart, there will be instances where ye dun hae the luxery a askin fer clarification.."

Shirkon helps himself to a berry-filled lemon finger cookie.

Shirkon put a berry-filled lemon finger cookie in his miner's pack.

Daiven says, "Sir Maldon is an example of doing such a thing."

Shirkon whistles tunelessly to himself.

Cryheart rubs Murgin gently.

Cryheart helps himself to some sharp Mestanir cheese cut into cubes.

Shirkon deeply says, "Fer Rosamor, Cryheart."

Chronin helps himself to a peeled starfruit.

Cryheart pours himself a glass of iced lemonade.

Cryheart nods to Shirkon.

Speaking to Daiven, Pomic asks, "Then the question is does your personal virtue or honor transcend that of your leige?"

Deavon grins at you.

Cryheart takes a bite of his Mestanir cheese.

Cryheart takes a bite of his Mestanir cheese.

Cryheart takes a drink from his iced lemonade.

Morgiest deeply says, "As ah said, it shouldnt... Ifin it does, ye shouldnae be servin 'im tae begin with."

Mourdeyan smiles at Deavon.

Donnel takes a drink from his dark ale.

Speaking to Pomic, Daiven says, "If the task you are given is morally wrong or questionable, then your liege has failed in his duty to you."

Xanith just arrived.

Mourdeyan quietly says, "Still, it is not my liege's duty I answer for...it is my own."

Cryheart says, "I would like to think, that being knighted by Earl Jovery, is due to the fact he acknowledge my worth to be so, and cause I represent his ideals as well."

Pomic says, "Or mayhaps ya had jes simply made the wrong choice."

Pomic nods to Daiven.

Yviara nods to Cryheart.

Cryheart says, "Thus, I serve my ideals by serving him."

Mourdeyan nods to Cryheart in agreement.

Morgiest deeply says, "Aye. An ifin ye dun believe yer liege wouldnae do all them things everyone were jes speculatin on, ye shouldnae be serving 'im tae begin with."

Murgin asks, "Is it one's duty to see all of his liege's perspective, or to obey because fealty is pledged?"

Aydan says, "Someone failing in their duty to you is not reason to fail in your duty to them, especially if you are sworn by oath to it."

Pomic nods to Morgiest.

Speaking to Pomic, Daiven says, "Perhaps. Time will tell the truth on such a decision."

Pomic nods to Daiven.

Pomic says, "Perhaps."

Pomic puffs rapidly on his cherry-stemmed pipe, some amber wisps of fragrant ginger-scented smoke dancing about him.

Cryheart takes a drink from his iced lemonade.

Pomic says, "da cheese is fantastic."

Pomic helps himself to some sharp Mestanir cheese cut into cubes.

Cryheart nods to Pomic.

Cryheart says, "Aye."

Cryheart helps himself to a slice of iced praline cake.

Cryheart takes a bite of his iced praline cake.

Pomic takes a bite of his Mestanir cheese.

Donnel chuckles.

Cryheart says, "Yummy."

Mourdeyan quietly says, "These discussions do get lively."

Mourdeyan smiles.

Speaking to Pomic, Daiven says, "But we are not meant to be mindless minions. We must consider what we are commanded to do and why. Our duty to our liege is to fulfill them, but if we are not also true in our duty to ourselves, then we cannot blindly fulfill them."

Donnel says, "My only complaint is the lack of good, warm bread."

Matti nods to you.

Cryheart says, "The purpose is to stimulate thought."

Pomic nods to Cryheart

Cryheart nods to you.

Pomic says, "Aye."

Aydan says, "At least nobody has died from it. That's always a good thing."

Aydan grins.

Mourdeyan quietly says, "Aye sir."

Cryheart says, "I didn't see any."

Aydan says, "Some discussions get violent, after all."

Cryheart nods to Donnel.

Aydan chuckles.

Donnel says, "But the cheese is excellent, yes."

Donnel grins.

Speaking to Daiven, Gilleabart says, "I hae t'agree wi' tha' point."

Pomic nods to Donnel.

Mourdeyan quietly says, "Not here..."

Ruffelin chuckles.

Cryheart says, "My apologies..I love fresh baked bread as well."

Mourdeyan smiles at Aydan.

Pomic puffs rapidly on his cherry-stemmed pipe, some amber wisps of fragrant ginger-scented smoke dancing about him.

Donnel helps himself to some sharp Mestanir cheese cut into cubes.

Daiven says, "Had Sir Maldon blindly followed his orders, then the Order of the Silver Gryphon may very well have never been formed."

Mourdeyan quietly says, "At least not yet."

Cryheart nods to Daiven.

Mourdeyan winks.

Donnel takes a bite of his Mestanir cheese.

Speaking to Mourdeyan, Aydan says, "Well, if it is any consolation, this is one of the last places I'd expect that to happen."

Daiven says, "I believe all present would agree that it would have been for the worse had such occurred."

Cryheart says, "Well..there is a story behind why Sir Maldon did not blindly follow Baron Hochstibs orders."

(Gilleabart darts a glance at the slow-baked apple.)

Daiven nods to Cryheart.

Aydan says, "It can still be argued that he dishonored his liege though, and, from a certain view, is true."

Daiven nods to Aydan.

Morgiest nods to Aydan.

Cryheart says, "Recall the order of the Baron Hochstib to seal off the mine..."

Murgin asks, "Was his decision a sacrifice of personal honor, then?"

Mourdeyan quietly says, "Indeed."

Daiven says, "Baron Hochstib also dishonored and failed Sir Maldon."

Cryheart says, "Sir Maldon's son was in that mine."

Mourdeyan quietly says, "Once he was betrayed."

Daiven nods to Cryheart.

Morgiest deeply says, "Aye, he lost honor in tha barony o' Jantalar, and gained it in tha barony o' Vornavis."

Cryheart says, "And many dwarves died in that mine as well."

Cryheart says, "There be many stories within the stories."

Cryheart smiles.

Matti pours herself a glass of iced lemonade.

Daiven nods.

Cryheart asks, "Anyway...any other ideas about courage or honor?"

Gilleabart helps himself to a date-filled slow baked apple.

Murgin put a silver gryphon key in his wool pouch.

Murgin just closed a flaxen wool pouch.

Murgin helps himself to some sharp Mestanir cheese cut into cubes.

Cryheart takes a bite of his iced praline cake.

Speaking to Mourdeyan, Gilleabart says, "Couldna resist anna langer."

Gilleabart licks his slow baked apple.

Daiven says, "An event which would lead to the dwarven attack on the Mandis Crystal in Mestanir."

Murgin smiles.

Mourdeyan grins at Gilleabart.

Cryheart nods.

Murgin takes a bite of his Mestanir cheese.

Ichiko pours herself a glass of iced lemonade.

Cryheart asks, "Any questions about our history or such?"

Mourdeyan says, "Ye've a big furnace t'fuel."

Donnel takes a bite of his Mestanir cheese.

Ichiko takes a drink from her iced lemonade.

Cryheart grins at Mourdeyan.

Gilleabart grins at Mourdeyan.

Mourdeyan says, "Ye Highmen."

Gilleabart takes a bite of his slow baked apple.

Cryheart takes a bite of his iced praline cake.

Morgiest deeply says, "Ye gained much honor by courageously leadin this talk this eve Sir Cryheart."

Mourdeyan smiles at you.

Morgiest winks.

Cryheart begins chuckling at Morgiest!

Aydan says, "I'd think trying to kill a dwarf by burying him in a mine is about like trying to kill a fish by drowning it."

Pomic grins at Mourdeyan.

Aydan chuckles.

Cryheart says, "This was much easier than my task for Baron Malwind...i assure ye."

Damina raises an eyebrow in Aydan's direction.

Deavon begins chuckling at Cryheart!

Murgin chuckles.

Yviara begins chuckling at Cryheart!

Cryheart gazes heavenward.

Ruffelin begins chuckling at Cryheart!

Mourdeyan glances at Cryheart.

Mourdeyan chortles.

Gilleabart stretches.

Cryheart takes a drink from his iced lemonade.

Speaking to Aydan, Daiven says, "Even a dwarf will die if even rock is dropped upon him."

Mourdeyan asks, "What was that task sir?"

Murgin helps himself to a mint and dark chocolate bar.

Murgin put a mint and dark chocolate bar in his tanned leather cloak.

Mourdeyan tries hard not to grin.

Cryheart fidgets.

Murgin grins.

Cryheart touches one finger to his lips.

Cryheart just nudges Mourdeyan.

Gilleabart takes a bite of his slow baked apple.

Mourdeyan lets out a yelp!

Murgin takes a bite of his Mestanir cheese.

Mourdeyan clears her throat.

Shirkon deeply says, "Depends on da size o' da rock, Gilleabart."

Speaking to Daiven, Aydan says, "Didn't you know? Dwarves don't die, they just get more grumpy."

Cryheart chuckles.

Gilleabart blinks at Shirkon.

Murgin glances at Shirkon.

Murgin asks, "That's it, eh?"

Speaking to Shirkon, Gilleabart says, "I neffer mentioned ae rock, m'laird."

Mourdeyan glances at Gilleabart.

Cryheart takes a drink from his iced lemonade.

Cryheart nods to Pomic.

Aydan says, "He mentioned the rock."

Aydan points at Daiven.

Pomic stands up.

Cryheart says, "Be well Pomic."

Shirkon deeply says, "Okies, ya all be nice er I eats sum cheese."

Cryheart bows to Pomic.

Pomic says, "I must take leave."

Cryheart glances at Shirkon.

Koleph grins at Shirkon.

Mourdeyan stands up.

(Cryheart steps away from Shirkon)

Gilleabart begins chuckling at Cryheart!

Pomic has declined the offer.

Shirkon helps himself to some sharp Mestanir cheese cut into cubes.

Pomic says, "No thankya m'lady."

Shirkon takes a bite of his Mestanir cheese.

Mourdeyan gently bites Pomic.

Koleph takes a drink from his dwarven stout.

Pomic waves.

Aydan leans softly against Damina.

Murgin waves to Pomic.

Gilleabart gobbles down his slow baked apple in one enormous bite.

Donnel stands up.

Gilleabart grins.

Morgiest stretches.

Metier seems a bit less imposing.

Pomic nods to Matti.

Matti stands up.

Gilleabart stands up.

Shirkon takes a bite of his Mestanir cheese.

Morgiest inhales deeply upon his pipe, puckering his lips and sending out one ring of smoke before him briefly.

Speaking to Shirkon, Daiven says, "When the rocks comprise the entire ceiling of a mineshaft, I believe the size does not matter in the end."

Cryheart smiles.

Ruffelin says, "I fear I mus' be takin' m'leave as well, gentlefolk."

Matti says, "I must go too, was a wonderful evening."

Ruffelin stands up.

Matti joins Pomic's group.

Ruffelin joins Pomic's group.

Donnel put a pewter stein in his black canvas backpack.

Gilleabart joins Pomic's group.

Cryheart says, "Thank ye all for coming."

Morgiest deeply says, "Kai guide ye all me friends."

Ruffelin bows.

Gilleabart bows to Cryheart.

Shirkon deeply says, "Well, iffin it hits em in da head it mights na kills ems."

Mourdeyan blinks.

Ruffelin says, "Be well, m'friends."

Cryheart says, "We are indeed honored."

A thunderous belch explodes from Shirkon's mouth, filling the air with the stench of rancid cheese.