Spikes First Appearance

[Town Square, NW]
This corner of the square is lively and hectic. You pass a cross-section of the Landing's population. Several elven loggers loiter around the door of the Raging Thrak Inn, while the rowdy cheers of patrons and voices raised in songs of many sorts, from snatches of heroic ballads to blushingly bawdy tunes, beckon you to enter.
You also see a grey cat, the Khait disk, a giant rat, a badly damaged steel strongbox, a sturdy iron strongbox, a scratched brass box and a sturdy wooden chest.
Also here: Brodon, Brestonj, Blizzrd, Lord Prestius, Keithicus, Blythrid, Delira, Joav, Arrianna, Terzl, Annaveila, Tovur, Starsongg, Mattor, Lady Khait, Elros, Oceaniania, Calys, Khomm
Obvious paths: north, south, east, southeast.

Joav says, "It's a power rat."

Terzl says, "wow"

Mattor swings a broadsword at a giant rat!
AS: +48 vs DS: +1133 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +93 = -956
A clean miss.

A giant rat searches around a moment.

Khomm gestures at a giant rat.
A silvery luminescence surrounds a giant rat.

Annaveila just tried to kiss the rat!

A giant rat tries to bite Mattor!
AS: +1000 vs DS: -1 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +82 = +1118
... and hits for 427 points of damage!
Right hip pulped, severing the leg
Mattor screams and falls to the ground grasping his mangled right leg!

* Mattor just bit the dust!

* Mattor drops dead at your feet!

Arrianna gestures and utters a phrase of magic.

Tovur asks, "someones familiar??"

Arrianna gestures at a giant rat.
A giant rat blurs before you.

Joav exclaims, "Damn!"

Keithicus saus, "Do not attack the rat... You can't hit it anyway..."

Prestius chuckles.

Elros sighs.

Khait says, "umm"

Blythrid exclaims, "Wow!!!"

Khazaan exclaims, "Wow, now thats a rat !"

Lord Keiserii's group just arrived.

Keithicus applauds.

Lord Karhl just went south.

Skarblood just arrived.

A giant rat sniffs at the air.

Lord Karhl just arrived.

A giant rat sniffs at the air.

Khomm says, "Poor rat is being harassed"

A giant rat searches around a moment.

Blizzrd shows a giant rat his leather armor.

Keithicus says, "Well done Mr. Rat..."

Urael just arrived.

Calys exclaims, "ack!"

Raydiant just arrived.

Crypto just arrived.

Brodon swings a scimitar at a giant rat!
AS: +0 vs DS: +1143 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +52 = -1061
A clean miss.

A giant rat sniffs at the air.

Matti gestures and utters a phrase of magic. Khomm gestures and utters a phrase of magic.

Matti gestures at a giant rat.
A dim aura surrounds a giant rat.

You hear the ghostly voice of Mattor say, "Somebody please drag me to town square"

Calys waves to the giant rat.

Prestius says, "You shouldn't just attack without doing a little research"

Matti thumps Brodon!

Crypto swings a closed fist at a giant rat!
AS: +0 vs DS: +1143 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +92 = -1026
A clean miss.

Urael swings a closed fist at a giant rat!
AS: +0 vs DS: +1143 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +82 = -1036
A clean miss.

Blizzrd says, "Hey Rat, look at my armor"

Lord Simmer just arrived.

Lord Khalim's group just arrived.

Khomm says, "don't attack the rat please"

Arrianna gestures at a giant rat.
A bright luminescence surrounds a giant rat.

Marigold says, "rat" Lord Khalim's group just went east. Jannia just arrived.

Matti thumps Crypto!
The blow catches him square in the solar plexus! He doubles over, gasping for air.

A giant rat just went southeast dragging Mattor behind it.

Elros sighs.

Elros blinks.

Khait says, "um...dont attack the rat unless you wanna die"

Joav says, "Ah.. The rat will return attacks, and likely kill you quite easily."

A giant rat just arrived.

Lord Truebeard just arrived.

Deathrally swings a drake falchion at a giant rat!
AS: +45 vs DS: +1143 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +12 = -1051
A clean miss.

Skarblood smiles at the giant rat.

Blizzrd says, "It is a good rat"

Lurar swings a closed fist at a giant rat!
AS: +0 vs DS: +1143 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +95 = -1023
A clean miss.

Truebeard exclaims, "Whoa nelly!"

A giant rat growls ferociously!

Blythrid yells, "Leave the rat alone"

Lurar says, "die RAT"

Nescient says, "Woah"

Matti thumps Lurar!
The blow catches her square in the solar plexus! She doubles over, gasping for air.

Truebeard exclaims, "Wah da heck!"

Skarblood says, "jheesh"

Lurar says, "hehee"

Deathrally swings a drake falchion at a giant rat!
AS: +45 vs DS: +1143 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +67 = -996
A clean miss.

Blizzrd says, "That rat will kill you"

Semator thumps Deathrally!
The blow catches him square in the solar plexus! He doubles over, gasping for air.

Lurar says, "sorry Matti"

Khazaan says, "the rat WILL kill you"

Marigold exclaims, "Don't hit it!"

A giant rat yawns.

Truebeard swoons.

Nescient says, "Oh my"

Lurar says, "I am sorry Ratty,"

Brestonj asks, "if you don't swing, will it attack us?"

Khomm says, "Stop attacking the rat"

Truebeard blinks.

Brestonj yells, "LEAVE THE RAT! Let it be!"

A giant rat just went southeast.