The Road to Solhaven

The Opening of the Road to Solhaven occured in Eorgaen (dec) of 5098

[Upper Trollfang]
Even the tallest of the Giantmen feels dwarfed by the huge trees that grow here. Reaching heights of 500 feet and with diameters of up to 30 feet, these tremendous trees are possibly as old as the land itself. A crew of woodcutters work at felling some of the smaller trees. You also see a Mercantylers' Guild overseer.
Obvious paths: west, northeast.

Workers attach ropes to the newly-clearcut log. With a coordinating chant, a crew of laborers lean into the weight of the massive log and drag it northeast.

Ask overseer about Guild:
The overseer smiles at you and says "I'm kind of busy right now, but I can answer a few questions."

The thunk of axes biting into the trunks of tall pines echoes through the clearing.

Ask overseer about Solhaven:
The overseer smiles, "That's my home. Not much you can't find there, least ways when there's no blockade on. Ships comin' and goin', caravans up from south along the coast or in from the Sea of Fire. Busy place.

The cry of, "TIIIIMBERRR!" echoes through the trees, followed closely by the loud - CRACK! - of shattering wood and the WHOOSH and earsplitting impact of a felled tree.

Ask overseer about Hochstib:
The overseer's expression grows dark, and he spits deliberately into the dirt at his feet, "He's why we're here. His blockade of Solhaven has tightened up an' things are gettin' grim. The caravan route's 'most done, and the mercantylers need a caravansary at this end of it."

Ask overseer about Malwind:
"Baron Dunrith Malwind?" the overseer nods seriously, "He's got his faults, but he's a good ruler, even if he does have that Vornavian tilt to his nose. He knows if Hochstib gets his hands on Solhaven or Vornavis it'll be the end of their livelihood for anyone who's not Human.

Workers attach ropes to the newly-clearcut log. With a coordinating chant, a crew of laborers lean into the weight of the massive log and drag it northeast.

The hills become steeper to the south, ending in a cliff face. Patches of low scrub brush dot the hillsides. You also see the Methais disk, a raven, the Durason disk, a group of four dogwood trees to the southwest and the beginnings of a log palisade.
Obvious paths: north, east, northeast.

Workers arrive dragging a large pine log. The ropes are shifted, the log's base is set into the trench and with an efficient bit of heaving and shouting the log is pulled upright and lashed to the one that preceeded it.

Shovellers set to work filling in the trench around the base of the palisade's newest addition, while others continue to extend the trench to complete the outline of the wall.

Wielding picks and shovels, laborers work at clearing the larger boulders from the caravansary site. Crews also appear to be digging out cellars for at least two fair-sized buildings.