Meeting Minutes – 5/2/2004

Order of the Silver Gryphon, Meeting Minutes for Restday, day 2 of the month Ivastaen in the year 5104.

Members in attendance: Sir Brinn, Sir Cryheart, Dame Deavon, Sir Eahlstan, Guarrin, Murgin, Sir Kinshack, Shallimar, Shirkon, Xanith, Sir Yarx, Dame Yviara

I. Squire Reform

A vote was placed to adopt the Squire Reform bylaw changes, as distributed via missive, as well as posted on the forums, with the following amendment:

Addition to Article II, Section 2, Master of Squires duties:

Shall coordinate with sponsor of a new squire to ensure addition to mailing lists within two weeks of becoming a squire.

The vote passed with 9 Aye, 0 Nay, 0 Abstentions.

A motion was made to modify the Master of Squires bylaws by removing the 1-year membership requirement.

The vote passed with 10 Aye, 1 Nay, 0 Abstentions.

II. Confirmation of the Vow

A vote was placed to retake the vows or be expelled from the Order be dismissed and reworked to be in line with the bylaws governing the Order.

The vote was passed with 10 Aye, 0 Nay, and 1 Abstention.

There will be further discussion on this matter at a later meeting. There was a suggestion to hold some kind of confirmation ceremony wherein all members could retake their vows without an ultimatum of expulsion.

III. Inactivity Bylaw

The inactivity bylaw remains intact in its current incarnation, and discussion will be tabled until next week. There was some suggestion that taking the absolute nature out of the bylaw would countermind the purpose for its creation: uninformed voting. There was suggestion to make the inactivity absolute, and not meant to punish inactive members, but rather ensure that all voting members met a certain level of attendance. Regardless, the bylaws will require tightening of the wording, even if their current nature does not change.

Next meeting will be in two weeks, 5104-05-16.