Meeting Minutes – 10/11/2009

In attendance:
Sir Cryheart, Lord Kriztoffen, Metadi, Tebon, Protector Aydan, Melorra, Lord Balantine, Guarrin, Protector Misun, Evia, Lord Perivan, Bristenn, Tagg, Dame Deavon, Shirkon, Murgin (arrived during Bristenn’s testing)

Squire issues: Tebon put forth Bristenn for testing this evening and was passed through for the next stage of testing. The next testing will be at the next meeting on the 25th.


The Rift is changing. A hafling named Haukragg was doing research on expanding the Rift who has since disappeared. His cousin, Quiggan has been looking for him and a few have discovered way to develop protective wards for the Scatter (the name for the new area of the Rift). Apparently wurms are very dangerous up there but then again, when are they not?

Squires need to clean the shelves because they are starting to smell. Food is spoiled.

The suggested date for the Winter Giveaway is the 13th of Eorgaen. Start thinking about and collecting what you want to give for gifts. Weapons of mithril, ora or imflass. Shields, armor, imbeddibles….

Still no news of the missing mayor from the Landing.

No word from Lord Venquinor.

River’s Rest is still over run with trolls.

Submit ideas for the guard via the messenger service.
